Recent content by Druss

  1. Druss

    Health Problems

    14 years now on Carnavore, you can live just fine on only meat, not sure i could do it tho.
  2. Druss

    Everquest - Live Servers

    I think if they made it possible to solo/molo all Group content including current with most if not all classes it would bring back alot of old timers like me that would like to see the newer stuff. Its just too hard otherwise. and i think it would extend EQ for more years to come. They could...
  3. Druss

    Car Insurance / Home Insurance

    USAA if you can get it. Have to be military at some point/or family member of one
  4. Druss

    Health Problems

    I had a stone like 30 years ago, none since, mine was caused by taking a calcium supplement only a few times, started a small stone and a few years later after it grew I had to get it busted with ultra sound. Painfull as hell, you learn what wrything in pain means lol.
  5. Druss

    Health Problems

    I sympathize, I remember when i had my triple bypass and waking up to my chest on fire from the buzzsaw they cracked me open with, was hollering aaahhhh It Hurts!! must have been loud cause they asked me to not yell lol. They must have cranked up the pain meds as it slowly subsided and...
  6. Druss

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    holding your own is alot safer than letting an exchange have it, then they get hacked and maybe never see it again?
  7. Druss

    Health Problems

    Sounds strange, nothing working, i know this is gonna sound weird but what can you lose? Try an elimination diet, all the way to carnivore if needed, at least 30 - 90 days maybe longer if you see improvement. lots of stuff out there in our food that can cause our bodies to freak out over time...
  8. Druss

    Health Problems

    Watch this and pass along for help to stop the arthritis.
  9. Druss

    Starfield - Fallout fallout that isn't ES6

    StarFlight from 80s my first space exploration game 1986
  10. Druss

    Homesteading and Hobby Farm/Ranch

    Ring his neck like my Gramps used to do, dont have to spend even the shell on it. Oh and no blood either.
  11. Druss

    Remnant 2

    Lol i never heard of such crap!, ive not got the muscle mem to constantly hold aim, its that way for all the classes that are more ranged combat?
  12. Druss

    Remnant 2

    Question, I am having issues with the game auto swapping my weapons when i dont want it to, it this just the way it plays? Like i am playing the melee char but if im trying to use my guns it auto swaps to my sword even when im not that close to the mobs. Damn pissing me off and i dont see any...
  13. Druss

    Desktop Computers

    hah yah, my first computer was in about 1980 trash 80 with 16K ram lol and the cassette player and if you didnt line up the cassette just right it couldnt read the game. second one was a tandy 1000SX with two 5.25 floppys no HHD back then, altho a friend a couple years before that had an apple...
  14. Druss

    Desktop Computers

    Cool that they actually gave you anything. That allen wrench looks huge! must just be the angle as it looks like a half inch or better.
  15. Druss

    Desktop Computers

    Just dodged that bullet, was seriously considering going rysen 7800X3D and Radeon 7900 XTX, for the first time ever, instead of Intel/Nvidia, happend across someone ranting about thier issues with amd 6700 something and remembered all the issues id read about in the past about AMD issues/bugs...