Recent content by Mao

  1. Mao

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  2. Mao

    Military Thread

    The Covid times were a crap shoot. I know people who got 100% for not sleeping well. I know another guy who they didn't even read half his claim. Normally you either get a rating or get denied for stuff you submit. They didn't even address it. Its like the person only read half the packet...
  3. Mao

    Helldivers II

    I may be just jaded, but I don't take it on good faith that the orders succeed or fail entirely by our efforts. I will do them for the bonus tokens, but I believe they put their finger on the scales. Why not, they seem to adjust everything else to fit their 'vision'. (This isn't entirely...
  4. Mao

    Helldivers II

    So I fired up the old computer and it ran without crashing. Go figure. However, I did notice that every so often there would be a serious stutter and my screen would 'tear' and go white for a split second before going back to the game. My guess is whatever happens at that moment crashes on...
  5. Mao

    Helldivers II

    Hrm. That is nice to see, but I haven't been using any of those and to my knowledge, were not being used during my crashes. Oh well :)
  6. Mao

    Helldivers II

    I figure. Its just really annoying that I can't even see the crash log or data being sent to Sony. The complete lack of ability to trouble shoot on my end is questionable. Left pondering if it is on my side, if they will just look at it and go "lol, not my problem." Anyway. I'm mostly...
  7. Mao

    Helldivers II

    So fuck me if I can figure out what is causing the crash. Like I said. Upgraded to a new computer. Went from a 1070ti to a 4070ti, Windows 10 to 11 (I don't want 11, whine) and now it is iffy if I can complete a mission. All patches and drivers etc current. What makes it more interesting is...
  8. Mao

    Helldivers II

    Anyone else having constant crashes today? Finally got a new computer with a modern video card and I CTD within about 5 minutes of starting a mission. I was thinking it was me and my new setup, but apparently looking at the forums its been a rampant problem since a patch dropped this morning...
  9. Mao

    Helldivers II

    Been doing a lot more bugs even though I enjoy bots, just cause all my dailies and orders are for bug missions. Today is the first day in nearly a week I believe where I've gotten a daily to fight bots.
  10. Mao

    Helldivers II

    This seems to fit. Especially the situation when you are at an obj, specifically thinking big bug hole where it starts to go a lil south and you get split up cause of the spawns. Then someone dies and it all snowballs to shit.
  11. Mao

    Helldivers II

    Has anyone else noticed wild inconsistencies in difficulty at the same level? I've been trying to decide if I am smoking crack or if it really does seem to be a wide variation. I've done 4s that were easy just to knock out the daily. Then I've had 4s that were a major fucking ass pain with...
  12. Mao

    Helldivers II

    Well. Seems difficulty has been toned down some. I am not dealing with quite the levels of stupidity in spawns or AI instantly knowing where I am. So many 'undocumented' changes its tough to know what is going on or if it is just random luck on my part. At this point I think its consistant...
  13. Mao

    Helldivers II

    I start to get the feeling and worry that this game is sliding into the 'You're not playing it right' Dev Mentality and its going to really hurt the game long run if its not avoided. The Devs seem quick to make changes, which isn't bad per se, but the changes seem to be directed at nerfing...
  14. Mao

    Helldivers II

    The bugs (coding ones) and glitches are constant. Its starting to get a little frustrating. Strategem UI not opening properly. Getting stuck in weird animation lock that makes changing weapons or aiming impossible. Had one yesterday where we couldn't get the reinforce to work. Everyone had...
  15. Mao

    Helldivers II

    I understand stragglers spawning breaches and the robots that shoot off the flares. What I am talking about is the game just spawning in patrols out of thin air. I never remember that prior, but since this patch I keep seeing it.