Recent content by mkopec

  1. mkopec

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Besides, those DnD rulesets are hard to make video games out of. And im sure WoTC gave them grief for wanting or modifying shit for the game to make it work better. Same with Owlcat, they should make their own IP and make their rulesets tailored for video game. Like the whole "resting" thing DnD...
  2. mkopec

    Destiny 2 - Clan Link 1st Post

    Like 120K people on twitch watching Bungie fail. Way to represent.
  3. mkopec

    Destiny 2 - Clan Link 1st Post

    Not even playable, will try tomorrow I guess.
  4. mkopec

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    We always have xcom to look forward to in 10 yrs.
  5. mkopec

    Destiny 2 - Clan Link 1st Post

    Servers are shit, only about 250-300K people on PC. I mean they had that every major expansion release and still servers are shit.
  6. mkopec

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Niche? Maybe, but dead genre? Just because you dont play them does not mean its a dead genre, dude. I can think of like a dozen or so games in the genre in the last decade or so. And thats not even counting the turn based weeb games that I dont get into.
  7. mkopec

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Pretty shrewd and smart guy that CEO is. Used a readily known D&D name to get GOTY sold a shit load of his product, got his companies name into more plebs heads, now flashes his middle finger at all of it and back to making his worlds the way he wants them. Which divinity series was OK, but no...
  8. mkopec

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Bah, at least this game is fully voiced. The others in the genre arent so not only do they inundate you with reams and reams of text, most of it is not even voiced. I think Wasteland 3 was the best that didnt get to chatty. They only said what needed to be said. Owlcat, on the other hand, gets...
  9. mkopec

    Warhammer 40K: Rogue Trader (CRPG)

    Playing through this right now finally, pretty good so far. Im on act 3 with about 70 hours so far?
  10. mkopec

    Fallout 4

    Sorry bro, but I swear I did this for Skyrim, over like 175, mods and it worked like a charm. I even had characters having sex with each other and shit, lol. Only thing I had to do is get some script editor or some shit off of some other site that was not on Nexus. That was the only thing I had...
  11. mkopec

    Furiosa (2024)

    Yeah like I said before here in some other thread, women dont relate to "hero" characters like men do. It always will be a man fantasy. This is why bounty hunter was so popular with chicks, not because of star wars or the bounty hunter thing, but baby yoda, lol.
  12. mkopec

    Furiosa (2024)

    Its just non believable. Anyone that spent more than 10 min with their girlfriend or wife fucking around wrestling or whatever can tell they are like orders of magnitude inferior and weaker in anything physical than men are. And im not some overly fit gorilla here or anything, lol. In fact one...
  13. mkopec

    Fallout 4

    They have full packs (collections) available at nexus mods. You can do it one by one, but the collections plus a membership for $5 makes it a 3-4 click install. I have not done it for this game, but I have for Skyrim and it worked perfect.
  14. mkopec

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    AND shes gonna be a fatty dyke too.
  15. mkopec

    Desktop Computers

    At work when I plug in my sony headphones, I have to mute then unmute and it will work, try that.