Recent content by sliverstorm

  1. S

    DOOM: The Dark Ages Good article on the philosophy behind The Dark Ages.
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    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    +1 for Doom Eternal. Definitely more mechanically complex than 2016 (probably harder on a first playthrough? I haven't played 2016 in a while), but as a result you feel like more of a god when you're in the flow. Top 5 game for me--combat is so crisp and punishing. Dark Ages trailer looks...
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    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    I was like, that's crazy, didn't they just make Gurren Lagann...? 17 years ago.
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    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

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    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    I don't understand why halving would do much to the price outside of driving less energy-efficient miners out of business. Doesn't Bitcoin auto-adjust the difficulty of its algorithm to average one block every 10 minutes or so regardless of how many or few miners there are? And most of the...
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    Investing General Discussion

    It's possible. Corporate finance is part of my background, and I definitely can't do the technical stuff most people in this thread do, yourself included. What I mean is if you value UNH solely based on its cashflows and you thought a consistent growth rate was actually pretty close to the...
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    Investing General Discussion

    Isn't this more of a cash flow thing? Like, if you're throwing off ~$20B FCFE a year with modest but consistent growth and ridiculous stability, at some point there's a price low enough where that cash stream is valuable. If your thesis is "this is gonna happen for a long while", the lower the...
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    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Letter from the CEO to employees regarding the closure. Employee leaked all private financials, partner info to Kotaku. That is one article I will definitely read: Edit: Looks like there's a bunch of studios bundled together under one parent company, and this is just the latest subsidiary to...
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    Marvel Universe stuff

    Been quite a while since I read X-Men. Let's see what's up. Hmm.
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    Edit: No specific plot spoilers, but broad impressions of the comic having read it end-to-end:
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    RIP Vernor Vinge

    I had a similar experience. Had an uncle who was into sci-fi, he gave me A Fire Upon the Deep when I was a kid and I really couldn't make sense of it. Came back to it as an adult and couldn't believe what I was reading.
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    The Fighting Game Community Thread

    For those unfamiliar: Also the year Justin won EVO UMVC3 beating Champ and Chris G in the finals. Crazy to think that was a decade ago.
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    DC Universe (Batman vs Superman thread).

    This is a pretty great idea given that What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way was more or less a real-life response to The Authority in the first place. Would probably make my top 5 Superman stories of all time. Also has one of my favorite panels--stuck with me for over two...
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    Investing General Discussion

    The data in the blue chart/article suggests that a shorter-term 1-3 year post-recession hold might still be a good play. The question I was trying to answer beyond that was "is it still worth holding for 15+ years?" Specifically, I was trying to refute that point you saw about "missing out on...