Recent content by Voldeth

  1. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    I don't consider your response a knock at all and it's a legitimate perspective even if I disagree about some points, specifically; 1) The knock on the elitist 1%er of the community is fair. The community is filled with gatekeepers who only want to play with similar neckbeards and will deny...
  2. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    We already pretty much knew but Echidna & Northern Kurzan confirmed for June 19th.
  3. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    The list of changes is way too long but your complaints are valid (minus the cash grab stores -- not sure I've used the cash shop for anything than cosmetics in a long time). I'm a broken record but someone like you (who enjoyed the raids/gameplay and wasn't a total retard) would get a lot of...
  4. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    I think everyone (myself included) was expecting a bit of a dud and this is the complete opposite. The content release pace is absolutely insane and Season 3 was not expected -- most bingo cards were 'new class / 1 new raid / hopefully 3rd awakening' instead we essentially got a fuckton more...
  5. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    Northern Kurzan: Kazeros raid: 3rd awakening:
  6. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    LOA on summary: 1: Graphics updates: 15 NPCS got graphics update 2: Kazeros war zone: Hack and Slash (T4 Chaos dungeon), Once everyday, use 100 energy with 1.5x rewards 2 New Guardians 3: First chapter of Kazeros raid is defensive battle: G1: Demon legion+Akkan+Ghost valtan G2: Lord of...
  7. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    The event rift is terrible design aimed at making sure you log in every day. Whoever comes up with this crap needs to be fired. Pretty much everything this patch is terrible. Thankfully Thaemine is still fun.
  8. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    Piloter refers to providing your account information to another player who logs in and does the content for you. This is prominent in Lost Ark's most challenging content in two occasions; 1) For Hell raids where gear is completely equalized and there are special titles for deathless runs which...
  9. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    That is actually too fast imo. I suppose the logic is she's effectively free Ilvl increase and Thaemine Hard is too challenging for most people but I was expecting July/August.
  10. Voldeth

    No Rest For The Wicked - A Souls Like ARPG

    After a few solid hours (just beat Risen Twins boss for reference) I have to say that I'm a bit underwhelmed. For a game that is clearly inspiring itself from Souls, the boss fights have been incredibly bland. I'm also on a better PC than most (4090, 64 GB ram, I9 149000) and I suffer some...
  11. Voldeth

    Throne and Liberty (Formerly Project TL)

    I played an NCsoft MOBA by the name of MXM some years ago that basically used this concept. I was extremely skeptical at first but this honestly brought such a fun element of strategy and gameplay that it made up for how terrible the rest of the game was. This game is bland as hell and there is...
  12. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online

    You're the quickest patch note poster there is. Really excited for Thaemine as it's the culmination of the Legion Raid commanders. I appreciate that they made Normal mode rather easy to clear and Hard Mode is crazy hard as that design philosophy works well for me. With the Thaemine books I'll...
  13. Voldeth

    Smite 2 Enjoyed the original quite a bit & glad that they're sticking with the Ultimate God Pack unlock. Pre-orders started today. Edit: I'm retarded and posted this in MMO when I meant to put it in Other Games. Can a mod assist?
  14. Voldeth

    Throne and Liberty (Formerly Project TL)

    I played this for a few days at KR release and this is a pretty fair review. It's clear that the development hell and multiple changes resulted in a completely bland (albeit beautiful) game. This game doesn't have much hope in NA and the drop off after a month will be massive. I really wish they...
  15. Voldeth

    Lost Ark Online