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  1. Muurloen

    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    I wonder if this push is an effort to make things easier for consoles. The announcement trailer was 100% console game play and not master race PC.
  2. Muurloen

    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    Fighting Marauders is all about having patience. If you dont have any you will lose.
  3. Muurloen

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    That was bad (the ump). Yikes
  4. Muurloen

    MMA Thread

    Looking for a ship to sail the high seas on.
  5. Muurloen

    NBA 2023-24 Season Thread - The Lakers Lose, America Wins

    If you havent been paying attention for the last 15 years, Kendrick Perkins is an unabridged dumbass.
  6. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    Its a troll account. Pay it no mind. @Amod
  7. Muurloen

    Kinds of Kindness (2024)

    Plemons must be smashing that nose candy to lose all of that weight.
  8. Muurloen

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    You will not be missed
  9. Muurloen

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    Different knee than the one he tore a few years ago.
  10. Muurloen

    Hot Ones

  11. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

    6v6 pvp confirmed today.
  12. Muurloen

    MMA Thread
  13. Muurloen

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    I am pretty sure it just like what happened to Scherzer. Rosin and sweat. Blanco is a major sweater and the sweat and rosin dripped down his arm into his glove and the ump overreacted.
  14. Muurloen

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I smashed a roll of those with hammer one time when I was a kid.... Maybe thats why I have tinnitus. Oblig
  15. Muurloen

    Helldivers II

    I was there when gamers stood up to Playstation overlords and won.
  16. Muurloen

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    AHHHH this image is like all modern Yankees teams. Bunch of frauds.
  17. Muurloen

    MMA Thread

    Realistic? I mean give or take 5 lb during the course leading up to the fight, but cutting 25+ lb over a few days and rehydrate that weight back is bullshit. When I covered MMA here in Houston, there was a fighter by the name of Brian Melancon. The guy is 5"8" walks around 205 and was cutting...
  18. Muurloen

    MMA Thread

    Fight what you walk around at within the parameters of weight classes....... simple as that. Once the fight is signed, you are weighed and you maintain that weight.
  19. Muurloen

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Illinois is feeling a major clue.
  20. Muurloen

    Total War: Warhammer

    I fired up Ungrim yesterday morning and I have to say I am loving the Dwarf changes and all of the new slayers. CA has redeemed themselves.
  21. Muurloen

    the I'm tired of sjw bullshit in gaming thread

    Taking bets on who owns this alt.
  22. Muurloen

    Total War: Warhammer

  23. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    On the tabletop, Custodes are suppose to be major tanky, fairly killy, but low numbers because of their high points cost per model. A basic Custodian Guard model costs 40 points per model, with a maximum of 5 Guard per squad. A Custodian Allarus Terminators cost 65 points per model, with a...
  24. Muurloen

    MLB 2024: Rangers Conquer Texas, Then America

    I cut Eloy to pick up last week to pick up Taylor Ward. Someone that is actually worth a shit behind Mike Trout. I am such a fucking glut for punishment, but GD it is so fun to prove people wrong.
  25. Muurloen

    The Video Thread

    This is actually a good movie.
  26. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    ugh downvoted that officialwarhammer post. be sure to do your part.
  27. Muurloen

    2024-2025 NFL Season - Dak Prescott's MVP Tour Part 2

    Texans did well tonight. Got everything they needed out of R1.
  28. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    If the codex wrote out that this female custodian was actually a SoS allowed to participate in a blood game, it would have been fantastic and lore expanding, but still within the realm of appropriate.
  29. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    What a bigot. You didnt even include the Sister of Silence that run hand in hand with the Custodes. Fucking tourist. 🙃
  30. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    I love how her eyes are closed the whole time until the end. The 3rd one looks like a scar until its opened. Also love the growing blue hew of Tzeentch as well.
  31. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    A Trolling Tourist.
  32. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

  33. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    What this reminds me is in TW:WH, at the beginning of a turn sometimes you are offered a sizeable amount of gold, but it comes with Chaos Corruption if you choose the gold. GW chose the gold & DEI Corruption. Greedy idiots.
  34. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k

    FTFY. And the answer is yes.
  35. Muurloen

    Warhammer 40k