Search results

  1. Grim1

    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    The greatest hopium scam ever. Brilliant. They will never release this btw. A released game means the game is finalized and all those people paying for their hopium version of the game (that will never happen) will stop paying for their fix.
  2. Grim1

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I like Asmongold in general. Usually a level headed guy. But when it comes to mmo's you can tell where he comes from.. Wow. Which in itself isn't bad, but it colors every game he plays to such an extent that I pretty much tune him out for mmo stuff. Look, he got ran out of BDO so quick it was...
  3. Grim1

    Warhammer 40k

    Did Amazon force the change for the show? Does that bother you? Assumed since that might be the case then you would talk about it here, not table top. Go figure. Was curious enough to ask, not enough to bother scouring the site.
  4. Grim1

    Warhammer 40k

    Oh, I don't know enough about 40K lore to have an opinion. But it certainly is blowing up the click bait internet lately. Was curious what the real fan boys think.
  5. Grim1

    Pax Dei

    I can see where you are coming from, but there is room for a game like this. Only had a chance to play a few hours before heading out of town. It was fun, if a bit frustrating since a lot of the plots were taken, couldn't remap controls, etc. Lots of people were playing, which was cool. And some...
  6. Grim1

    Warhammer 40k

    So, female custodes.
  7. Grim1

    Pax Dei

    Lol. Got an invite but I'll be out of town next week.
  8. Grim1

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Bit of a noob question. I have an extra retainer that I pay for. Total of 3. Is there any way to get more retainers without paying cash?
  9. Grim1

    Fallout 76

    Friend who is a huge Bethesda / Fallout fan hated 76 when it came out. But he tried it again after they brought in npcs, etc. and loved it. Still plays that game off and on, although he's done just about everything you can do in that game. I never got the reason why he hated 76 in the first...
  10. Grim1

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Paying to play a game is grift everyone. You heard it here first.
  11. Grim1

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Yes, they have a ton of work to do. Mostly on content. That takes time and resources. We'll see how it all plays out, but I like what they have done so far.
  12. Grim1

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Many of us are and enjoying it. The base game is amazingly solid and addictive. It does feel a lot like old EQ. But it's own game too. They have a lot of work to do. Tons. So it isn't coming out any time soon. The haters in this thread are just that. They're vile people without lives. They and...
  13. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    Davis really didn't have a choice in this one. He screwed up with Bissacia. Doubled down on stupid with McDaniels. And pissed off Raider fans so much that many of us die-hards just stopped watching this year (first time ever after decades). The fans and the players wanted Pierce. Davis had to...
  14. Grim1

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    A fuckin rainbow warrior. /boggle
  15. Grim1

    Crimson Desert

    Can't edit my original post, but this is a single player game.
  16. Grim1

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Ton of interest in this game, no doubt.
  17. Grim1

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    discord server has the roles indicated and it was jammed
  18. Grim1

    Black Desert

    It's a great feature for me. My main life skills were horse training and farming (on an alt for horse fodder). Gear for them really isn't important. It's only recently that life skill gear even became useful for horse training. But at my level it doesn't really help that much. I already breed...
  19. Grim1

    Black Desert

    Oh man. Didn't know about this. You mean my horse trainer can leave Heidel? What will she do out in the cold hard world.
  20. Grim1

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    The desperate need of people in this thread for others to fail is pretty telling.
  21. Grim1

    The Marvels (2023)

    I hope it's good, but the second one was fairly lame. It had some moments but nothing like Deadpool 1. Ryan's schtick is getting a bit tired. And Deadpool ramps his quirks up to 11. But he's a good actor, if the script and director is good I'll still throw my money at it.
  22. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    Or the QB gets traded away by a fucking loser coach that can only win if Brady is behind center. Yeah, I'm still bitter that the Raiders hired Josh McDaniels.
  23. Grim1

    Pax Dei

    No email here. Anyone with better luck? They said they sent out about 4000 emails. They are doing a second wave in a few days.
  24. Grim1

    Pax Dei

    Alpha sign ups until Nov 12th (today). Alpha from Nov 14 to 27 They will randomly pick players for alpha, slight preference given to people who put in a friends token. I used "rererolled" as a friends token if anyone here wants to try it. Sign up today.
  25. Grim1

    Pax Dei

  26. Grim1

    The Marvels (2023)

    This movie looks incredibly stupid. /shrug, most superhero movies are dumb. I would still watch it if the chicks were hot though. But these "Marvels" are fugly beyond belief. Zero reason to watch this.
  27. Grim1

    Guild Wars 2

    I have the expansion and just picked up the chapter. I assumed it was like before, free if you logged in within a certain time frame. But they did change a few basic long term mechanics, like dailies, etc. I don't know the new rules yet.
  28. Grim1

    Guild Wars 2

    Thanks for the chapter info, I try to get them when they are free. Bought the expansion but really haven't done much yet, got lost in Starfield. Due for another GW2 run though. My last run I picked up Vision, one of the legendary accessories. That was quite a bit of work, fun though.
  29. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    Tomorrow: Tackling causes injuries, tackling should be banned. Then we can draft Ms Swift to play QB. It's a win for everyone!!!!!
  30. Grim1

    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

    At this point we are all regretting bashing Lucas's second trilogy (ep 1-3). That backlash is why he sold the IP. I don't care how bad his third trilogy would have been, it still would be infinitely better than what we got.
  31. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    I've been avoiding the whole thing. It's just seems like another desperate ploy by the NFL to get chicks to care about football.
  32. Grim1

    Deadpool & Wolverine

    Or an alligator (sorry Loki).
  33. Grim1

    DC Universe (Batman vs Superman thread).

    Read some of the Authority stuff when it came out. He's a good writer but it's all woke agenda stuff. Which was a bit radical at that time. Hollywood screwed up by not making it back when they thought woke stuff would sell. It at least would have been different. Now it's just another woke agenda...
  34. Grim1

    Black Desert

    Yeah. Overnight training depends heavily on your connection. BDO horse training is very sensitive to minor connection issues that most other games don't notice. I use to overnight all the time with few issues in my old place. Moved to a new place that's only a few miles from the old one and...
  35. Grim1

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    That video taught me that level 14 kills a lot of people in HC.
  36. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    If they play for the Chiefs or the Patriots, they suck. It doesn't matter what their stats say.
  37. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    Comebacks since 1950 Carr is a better QB than most people admit. Jimmy G is a downgrade.
  38. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    I'm sure every true NFL fan knows that there are levels of suck. We cling to the illusion of progress. Hopium is eternal.
  39. Grim1

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    So, it's only a small sample, but my fears of the Raiders regressing under this new 'Faux Patriot' management seems to be a real possibility. Still hope I'm wrong, but don't see the Raiders having a winning season this year. On another note, Derek Carr is killing it with his new Saints gig.
  40. Grim1

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Thought I was done with WoW. But to be honest the HC stuff sounds kind of fun. My favorite time in WoW was in the early game, before all the expansions. Playing classic HC definitely would spice that up.