Search results

  1. Furry

    Furiosa (2024)

    I just assumed you were a gay fag pedo for posting in this thread. My bad. At least I scored a 100 on chuk.
  2. Furry

    Furiosa (2024)

    Why'd you pay to go to this movie then?
  3. Furry

    Furiosa (2024)

    I’m not a furry
  4. Furry

    Furiosa (2024)

    Haven’t you figured out that half this forum is autistic, the other half is retarded, and half again are both autistic and retarded.
  5. Furry

    Trigger Warning (2024)

    You do you!
  6. Furry

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I prefer non talking debating. I figured you’d be the same.
  7. Furry

    Trigger Warning (2024)

    A roided out woman would be at a disadvantage against a reasonably in shape man. Not to mention that men out preform women bigly in pretty much every relevant task to being special forces. Maybe your fee fees and low testosterone gym gazing makes you want this not to be true, but in the real...
  8. Furry

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    I’m sure TikTok paid him for his podcast work.
  9. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    TBH I wish more places tiered there food prices based on local costs. Why the hell should I be subsidizing expensive cities? It's the reason I go to mom and pop restaurants 95% of the time now. Their cost reflects what it actually costs to make food where I live, not some averaged calculation...
  10. Furry

    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    I had to search for this, as it was a new one to me. 3 accidents in 3 years... all of them with him at fault. LMAO. Is rajaah secretly a woman, how the heck do you hit your garage multiple times. Weirder yet, why in gods name would you ever tell the insurance company about it.
  11. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    Grabbed a bag of these. TBH they aren't great. Not enough to be revolting, but definitely don't recommend. walmart also has 12 packs of the coconut drp. Nice
  12. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    That battle doesn't sound like hell.
  13. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    Fries are supposed to be crispy. Wont say is /hate/ poutine, but I never willingly buy anything with soggy fries. Covered, smothered, gravy or cheesy fries? PASS. Now if I was in France, I'd probably try whatever they shoveled in front of me. Absolute hell hole of a country in most ways, but...
  14. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    Tbh I’d rather he posts shitty ai and fakes than the stuff he actually eats.
  15. Furry

    Windows 10

    I think this is a great idea. Whoever gets to look at what my screen shows me is definitely going to regret it.
  16. Furry

    Homeworld 3

    Salvage corvettes are definitely strong, especially in the earlier levels. Later on ships/fleets can defend themselves better. But the AI definitely has faults. Did you load up the remastered or the original game? I can't stand the ship AI in remastered. Somehow the AI got notably worse in...
  17. Furry

    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    My first thought was... well we can't be posting that here. Does gorilla shoulders have nice boobs, I need a fact check here by our resident man-bag expert @Bandwagon
  18. Furry

    Ancient Civilizations

    Yea, there just isn't any other reasonably sound argument for the damage they pyramids have. Sure, water could cause some of the damage we see over 10s of thousands of years, but it'd probably look far more organic than it does. And thinking water constantly came up to those heights as well...
  19. Furry

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    If the last 7 episodes of planning were actually a waste of time, I'll admit you got me srimeru.
  20. Furry

    EVE Online

    I pretty much stopped playing in 2009 and had over 500b at the time. I’m not precisely sure how much money the purse had in my alliance, but I added about 1-2.5 trillion a month myself, and we had about 200 unique ships at the time and probably 100 trillion liquid and another 100trillion plus in...
  21. Furry

    Coffee Thread

    I've tried different machines over the years, and I always come back to my simple manual grinder and press. It's simple, straight forward, and produces really high quality coffee. If I were to splurge on something stupid to up my game it'd be a very nice electric grinder. I enjoy manually...
  22. Furry

    Homeworld 3

    Huge homeworld fan. Anyone who takes the corvette class out of the game is just a gay turbofag that never played the original games. Salvage corvettes are the cornerstone of any successful campaign. If you can't capture every single frigate and torture their crews to death, while simultaneously...
  23. Furry

    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    You play this gay ass series, and this is where you finally pulled the plug? How are we going to be friends.
  24. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    Strawberrys and cream was just too strong. The coconut flavor is much more mild, and it works really well with drp. If you like coconut anything it'll probably be a win.
  25. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    Burger scrapings off the grill are tasty, never got the objection to that. Industrializing the process will allow them to use the beef scrapings from EVERYTHING.
  26. Furry

    RIP Araysar

    Again? I have no clue who andrew tate is. Being some sort of folder idol, I just basically assume he can crush a footlong black hotdog like a seagul. That video does enough to confirm the original claim as true. Thanks.
  27. Furry

    RIP Araysar

    You make a claim, then post a link which does absolutely nothing to support that claim, and furthermore, objectively refutes your claim. This post gets a 10 of 10 for fag talk.
  28. Furry

    Investing General Discussion

    They probably already have.
  29. Furry

    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

    I really liked yoda vs emp... mostly cause the emperor just looked like he was having so much FUN, but I love me the heck out of some overacting villains. He could have been fighting a bowl of ramen and it'd still be my favorite fight of the prequels. What really confuses me is the younger...
  30. Furry

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    You're probably right, people bug apartments all the time. Check places they wont think of you to check, like in the shower or anywhere you have to jump to get to.
  31. Furry

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    The car is probably the most annoying protagonist in anime. I like a lot of what's going on around him, but man is he just the absolute worst.
  32. Furry

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Plenty of anime don't need heavy handed exposition... or much exposition at all. I mean, remember that show called frieren?
  33. Furry

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Please just give me filler better filler to break up this worse filler. That's a pretty accurate description of what slime's become.
  34. Furry

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    I completely disagree. I think exposition as a form of visual story telling sucks. Slime has always been heavy handed on the exposition, and I've never liked it as much as some people here seem to. That said, this season has definitely upped those rookie numbers to the next level. They've spent...
  35. Furry

    Winter 2024 Anime Thread

    Spoken like someone who isn't a true room connoisseur. You probably don't even know that anime is a japanese word for a room of chairs.
  36. Furry

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    Wasn't he the one that said he liked sucking dicks, but wasn't gay.
  37. Furry

    The Fast Food Thread

    You aren't a real gamer unless you've made sure nobody's watching and then licked the cheese powder off your mouse.
  38. Furry

    Ridiculous Fashion Thread

    who cares
  39. Furry

    Winter 2024 Anime Thread

    Dungeon cooking is a fine anime. I'm not sure why some of the thread denizens have decided to full on weeb the elf girl though.