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  1. Mist

    Investing General Discussion

    I'll pocket my $300 bucks + divies from IJS and get out.
  2. Mist

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Gonna try a ranged rogue maybe? IDK.
  3. Mist

    The Video Thread

  4. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

  5. Mist

    Helldivers II

    Are they on 13th or 14th gen Intel? If so, it's not the game. They need to update their bios (which will downgrade their CPU for stability.)
  6. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Because you don't need "AI" to do that. Tons of games already generate procedural quests. Hell, Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall did it forever ago. But you'd need a very, very good model to dynamically learn what makes a good quest and to use that info to generate better quests in the future.
  7. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    And yet you still come here.
  8. Mist

    The Boys

    Finally getting around to starting this, still in S1. I fuckin' died in the nursery scene where Billy uses the baby as a weapon.
  9. Mist

    Game Pass for Xbox and PC

    Truth. "DEI" isn't what's killing these big companies, it's the Big 4 Consulting companies. "DEI" just comes along for the ride, part of the packaged deal, but these consultants do so much other damage to their "clients" that "DEI" hardly registers as the root cause. It just one branch of the...
  10. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    They could be AI, but would you really want them to be AI? Wouldn't you rather play with real people who might be interesting, and then let the game fill in the rest with AI? It'd be interesting to see a game someday where you don't immediately know which other characters are real players or...
  11. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Right, so you have some kind of procedural or generative model that comes up with interesting combat (and other PoI) encounters on the way to the quest.
  12. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  13. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    You'd need to design an MMO where the fun part is getting TO the quest, rather than just looting the Obelisk of Bear-Butts and going back to town.
  14. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    There's just a lot of different games that scratch different parts of the MMO itch but at different intervals. Want a game where you loot a bunch of shit and if you get lucky you pwn a bunch of newbs for free? Play Fortnight or any other BR with colorcoded loot levels. Want a...
  15. Mist

    Dragon Age: Dreadwolf

    Voice acting was good, gameplay was good, story was a little generic but fine.
  16. Mist

    Cheated out of my youth

    Was my comment in any way restricted to catholics? You realize there's a lot of religions, right? And they're all the exact fucking same when it comes to grooming and exploiting kids? Let's not forget Muslims... The only thing "unique" about catholics in this regard is that they have, for...
  17. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

  18. Mist

    Cheated out of my youth

    Yeah, nothing is ever going to beat churches and bible camps for grooming and/or molesting kids. Nothing. Ever.
  19. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Technically all of this is already possible, with dynamic/procedural "monster ecologies" planned for the earliest MMOs. This was possible back when MMOs first started, but abandoned in favor of a more static DIKU content model. Obviously, tech has improved since, but design philosophies...
  20. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Again, WEIRD, not BAD.
  21. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    So, speaking of the games industry being turned upside down, apparently the first game that Dunkey's publishing company Bigmode released is actually incredible? This is the shit that needs to happen. I'll wait a few days to see how the reviews shake out, but I'm already impressed.
  22. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    So apparently some Microsoft Exec was quoted today as saying they need more games like HiFi Rush on Game Pass, lol. The video game industry fucking sucks lol.
  23. Mist

    World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery

    I think they can turn it around at 60. I was really wary about this phase going into it, expecting all of the problems that showed up. There's no point in hardcore gear grinding because all of the content is pretty trivial, and I don't expect it to be very hard at 60 but I could easily be wrong.
  24. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Deadlands and Weird West meets Firefly.
  25. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    I was referring to Starfield about the bad. Read the quote my quote was quoting.
  26. Mist

    V Rising

    This looks fun, is there a FoH server?
  27. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    I said WEIRD not BAD.
  28. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Someone needs to come up with a good genre that's particularly suited to what MMOs make possible. 3 words: Weird Space Western
  29. Mist

    Helldivers II

  30. Mist

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  31. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    yes but AI doesn't poop
  32. Mist

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    I want to see this, but in a different setting like Eberron.
  33. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Good career. #1 choice I'd say for anyone who doesn't want to go to college. The AI overlords will keep the HVAC techs around for servants long after they liquidate everyone else.
  34. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I only wanted Legos and stuffed animals for indoor toys growing up, aside from the occasional SNES game (which were fucking expensive, when you think about it now.) Art and drawing stuff too. I had my own architectural/drafting tools and was obsessed with stationery, which we now know as a...
  35. Mist

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I find this crazy because Hi Fi Rush was a big Game Pass title, wasn't it? Doesn't Microsoft need studios like this to create value for Game Pass? Unless they plan on getting rid of Game Pass.
  36. Mist

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Hestia was always the least sexy and most controversial goddess even for the day. These people are memeing you. You're the punchline.
  37. Mist

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    lol i was gonna post this
  38. Mist

    Investing General Discussion

    In this ONE case I am okay with PE firms destroying a US company:
  39. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    I feel like this is almost possible but no one, not companies or players, want to invest in it.
  40. Mist

    Where are all the MMORPG games? lol

    Oh yeah, I constantly forget that a whole bunch of mobile games are just clones of WoW with most of the pathing automated.