Search results

  1. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    Are you a 60+ year old white male with a receding hairline and a waist size above 36? What are you doing looking at Corvettes? So many better cars for the money.
  2. Mizake

    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    Do you lose the bet if it turns out you can choose to romance men? Like, he's not gay out of the gate, but you can make choices during the game to be gay and have a male lover? Because that definitely sounds like something Ubisoft is capable of.
  3. Mizake

    Assassin's Creed Shadows

    Not a slave. More like a court jester. He was a human oddity. Imagine being Japanese during the 16th century and having never seen a black person before, and also probably a whole foot taller than the average Japanese male of the time. He was just part of Oda's Traveling Circus of Human...
  4. Mizake

    Board Games

    This is their latest KS, you can still late pledge. The game is a little different because their are several different "Core" sets that are all stand-alone. Kind of like how Aeon's End or Too Many Bones released content. Which "Core" to get you might ask? I think that would depend on which...
  5. Mizake

    Board Games

    Yeah it's good, it on the lighter side but still a lot of fun. Be careful though, it borders on a lifestyle game because if you do a deep dive it gets really expensive, there are a ton of expansions out for it. You could eventually end up in for thousands of dollars, like KDM or Too Many...
  6. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    I would pick the R1T also, it's not even close. I'm not a fan of the Cybertruck. That being said, Cybertruck sales are double that of R1T. Which isn't saying much, because both sales figures are abyssmal. But Rivian really needs a car that they can produce at volume if they wish to survive...
  7. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I enjoyed the series, but you still have the inevitable white girl/black guy romance, non-binary squire, and racially diverse Vault secondary characters to check off all the necessary liberal boxes. So they still managed to shoehorn in their agenda. The only thing saving them was that the...
  8. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    How in the world is the model 3 loud? I own a X and a Y, and have a bunch of 3's as corporate cars for employees. All of them are quite as shit compared to ICE. Too quiet in fact. People always like to shit on Tesla, but it's still amazing that someone with little to no car experience was...
  9. Mizake

    The Division 2

    Can't wait until Ubisoft decides that all the homeless people are just sleeper Division agents just waiting for their watches to activate.
  10. Mizake

    Board Games

    Middara is a good dungeon crawler, best part is high versatility when it comes to designing your character with loot and abilities. However, it is a VERY wordy game, lots of reading during and in between scenarios. I’m not sure how well that would play out with autists. I recently finished...
  11. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    I know. I meant that Pinanfarina designed the last good looking Ferrari, and it’s been downhill since then
  12. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    RIP Pininfarina
  13. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    Most cars are completely mundane and indiscernible from each other. To me, all trucks look about the same. Most sedans look the same. Only a few cars, like 911s , Beetles, and G-Wagons are so iconic they are immediately identifiable. Even Ferrari's no longer stand out when the new Corvette...
  14. Mizake


    Ouch, hit me right in the feels. Have we met before? :emoji_sweat_smile:
  15. Mizake


    Maybe someday when you are no longer poor you can begin to understand the concept of angel investing.
  16. Mizake

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  17. Mizake

    Playstation 5

    I know this isn’t the right forum, but you may want to check out board gaming. It’s amazing how advanced it’s gotten, and I’ve had a great time playing board games with groups of friends, with dates and even by myself. It’s a great way to unplug from a screen.
  18. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I couldn’t name a single game produced from any of the developers mentioned in the past few posts, my guess is most of us couldn’t. So basically just start up and investor money flushed down the toilet, but to be fair, if you gave money to these companies expecting to generate a profit, you...
  19. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    Land Rovers are shit cars that are used solely as status symbols by trophy wives who know nothing about cars or maintenance. At least in LA. So yeah, avoid like the plague and take any warranty available. Their systemic problems are legendary.
  20. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    The only thing I remember using 2 screens was when The Division was first announced, and they had the interesting idea of someone using their laptop/ipad and controlling like a drone that could mark targets for their teammates. I think they even did a demo with it, someone was playing either a...
  21. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Well, not every business caters to the minority. Certainly none of mine. But I can definitely see your point, especially those companies that have a DEI division.
  22. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I would say something along the line of - companies are in the business of making money, government is in the habit of burning it. Everything you stated would not exist or be sparse if it wasn't for government rules and regulations.
  23. Mizake

    Playstation 5

    On the one hand, you say it's good and it's probably actually a good game. On the other hand, Dave appears to be a fat slob surrounded by the usual diversity hires, not sure what that fatty in the pink shirt is suppose to be. I hope the game is first-person perspective, if it's third person...
  24. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Yea, but work is different from home. Lot's of businesses use multiple monitors. I'm guessing people shouldn't be gaming at work. Now, the question is, how many of those people also have two monitors at home, where they are likely to be gaming? Like everyone at your work has two+ monitors...
  25. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I think you are overestimating the number of people using two monitors. I did a quick search, there was a PC gamer survey that had it at 15%, then there was another Steam survey that had it at 25%. It must be even lower in general population, you figure the Steam survey would be biased towards...
  26. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    It's amazing. I went down the rabbit hole. She went to Palos Verdes High School, which is a rich, white area in Los Angeles along with Palos Verdes Estates (even more tony), so she comes from white privilege. Went to USC in the 90s, so wasn't that bright, the school was known as University of...
  27. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    Yeah, the car is definitely simpler engine-wise than the computer-driven monstrosities of today. My own issue is that my car is (almost) all original, matching serial numbers, etc., and it has provenance. So when a part needs to be replaced, I have to hope the part is available from stripped...
  28. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    What you need to think about is maintenance, down the line. The F-type is a beautiful car, it's basically a poor man's Aston Martin, considering Ian Callum designed both. But with Jaguar ceasing production, and potentially going out of business, you are going to find it harder and harder to...
  29. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    Who on God's green Earth would pay $150k+ for a new factory BMW? Don't get me wrong, one of the best sports cars that was ever made was the old M3 coupes, and the Z8s are definitely worth 6 figures....but if you are going to spend that kind of cash you can get a used exotic that will hold it's...
  30. Mizake


    The most popular examples would be games like Terraforming Mars or Wingspan, if you've played either of those.
  31. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Not sure why you would just limit yourself to games made in countries where they speak English primarily, again I think you are just being pedantic. Especially in this day and age where most large games are a global effort, and multiple studios from multiple countries make a single game. In...
  32. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    You clearly meant games produced by the Western world. If you did mean JUST England, then name me some great games that have come out of British gaming studios.
  33. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    What? Is Belgium not white enough for you? When you say Anglosphere do you specifically mean English? Because England doesn’t make shit anymore. You guys are the banking system for Europe now.
  34. Mizake

    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (From Software)

    Has this game ever been part of PlayStation's online service?
  35. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    Ok. Sounded like you were talking about your boyfriends. Also, not sure how you're going to fit that in the garage next to your Pista.
  36. Mizake

    What vehicle do you drive?

    You still talking about cars?
  37. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    I’m pretty impressed you pulled your mask down long enough to type all that. As for why a studio would want to inflate the numbers…..Avatar is being produced by Disney, 20th century fox, and they are going all in. I forget how many avatar movies are being planned, but I think at least 2 or 3...
  38. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    it’s because you are using the word conspiracy too liberally. I have no doubt people went to see the movie. But a little bit of logic suggests that the popularity of the movie is a bit incredulous, especially in a post-Covid world where people go to movies less and less. it goes along with...
  39. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    As opposed to what? MSM telling me it's the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time? I never saw any of the Harry Potter movies in the theaters, but I know a lot of people who did. If I knew of people who saw new Avatar, then yes, I can imagine it being a big deal. I literally don't know...
  40. Mizake

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Yeah, the new Avatar numbers are totally sus. I also don't know anyone who went to go see it. Not friends, not family, not friends with one. Also everyone I know that's seen it streamed has said it was ok, but nothing great. I haven't seen it myself yet. Now compare that to...