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  1. Oldbased

    Furiosa (2024)

    Sideloaded an app I found on YT that has all the new shit and even for free I only watched 22 minutes of this diaster before deciding I will wait for stream releases from the ususual joos. The whole kidnap act wasn't terrible but it was a bit much exaggerated for my taste.
  2. Oldbased

    Furiosa (2024)

    In a world where despite inflation and devalue of the dollar that you can buy a ok 4k TCL 75" TV for $500 and a decent soundbar with sub for $250, the age of theaters should end. That's a good fam home system for like 20 big macs.
  3. Oldbased


    Not even going to be the worst of it. Several marinas were hit on lakes, campgrounds and RV parks that were FULL for the holiday and in Bentonville( Walmart HQ ) they had a quad tornado event at the same time. Most chasers called it a night at 9pm after the super serious situation didn't...
  4. Oldbased


    I love SciFI and this was no exception but tons of shit didn't make sense like if the bad guy was so awesome, why didn't he just make more hims. Anyways I spent 3/4 of this thinking the black Col was Eddie Murphy somehow younger again. The only one I felt bad for was Smith despite the end...
  5. Oldbased

    Civil War (2024)

    For me, the heros were all the people I was supposed to hate. I'm ok with that.
  6. Oldbased

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I fully support multimeme posts!
  7. Oldbased

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  8. Oldbased

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  9. Oldbased

    7 Days to Die

    How dare you
  10. Oldbased

    7 Days to Die

    If you already own it or purchase it on sale from the 22-29th I think it was of this month your copy is valid and good for 1.0
  11. Oldbased

    7 Days to Die

    I assumed that was coming when I checked a few days ago and no update at all on Steam really since before Xmas. I'm good with it, they did one hell of an Alpha/Beta
  12. Oldbased

    Blade (2025)

    My favorite is to my cats when they are causing hell. Catch you fuckers at a bad time?
  13. Oldbased


    Was just at the smoke shop and they were playing episode 1 of this. One guy said he tried to watch The Last of Us but couldn't get into it since he didnt play the game, then said he hasn't played Fallout either. Other is like game was good but depends on which type of Fallout guy you are. I...
  14. Oldbased


    Jesus Christ on a ghoul rat stick this is the new GoT Season 8 thread.
  15. Oldbased


    I thought it was intentional satire in he exhibits typical black behavior and gets rewarded for it just like 2024. I was also baffled why we didn't get to see Lucy nude given the multiple chances at it. Then I looked up Purnells tits and well as my spinal doctor would say, they were...
  16. Oldbased

    Fallout - New Vegas

    Thanks for the info. I may go both routes, one so I can play the best version and the other so I can play in bed. I've only ever played the bunker version of Fallout ( think it was called Fallout Shelter ) and Fallout 4
  17. Oldbased

    Fallout - New Vegas

    If you have Prime, NV Fallout is free on Luna meaning you can play on your TV. Haven't set it up yet but going to this week and try it out.
  18. Oldbased


    The usual suspects are once again circle jerking each other while making faggotry noises and doing fag things while thinking they are owning non fags. Sorry fags, we are not democrats so no one owns people here. /chirps in Alpha
  19. Oldbased

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    As he wore underwear grade mask and she wore dental grade blood splatter mask with a spit shield. Let us relish in how fake and gay this era was, total clown circus world.
  20. Oldbased


    I completed all of it. Sorta. I got lots more I could add to my last review of it in progress but it really isn't worth the time to type out between ticking off all the game point checkmarks, woke checkmarks, political checkmarks and climate/economy checkmarks, there really wasn't much substance...
  21. Oldbased


    This is going to be one of those like 12 Monkeys on Scifi years back where I have to watch it 5x to see it. I just keep losing interest and go on doing other shit with it running in the background. I like it, just not keeping me peeled to the TV. It may be the acting ( or lack of ) or the fact...
  22. Oldbased


    She is more based about sex and babies than any of our 2024 cunt women. Maybe we do need some bombs to drop
  23. Oldbased


    My sleeping pills and body are ready I'm sure some of you are like what? I got a 24inch TV and a 20 inch Vizio soundbar mounted under it on a swivel arm at the top of my bed for watching the security cams, weather and whatnot. Going to turn sound up swivel it out over my face and sleep watch...
  24. Oldbased

    The Astronomy Thread

    Raptor 3 is only about a year old and it saw great improvements and many less external parts. Now rolls out Raptor 4 even more powerful. Crazy.
  25. Oldbased

    The Astronomy Thread

    Not sure what it means but the photo came out good
  26. Oldbased

    The Astronomy Thread

    Got my Canon Rebel 5 ready on tripod and 104mp phone as backup but I took images in 2017 when we had full eclipse and well, it looks like a water spot on a dark sky. Very unphotogenetic if I must say so. This one we will have 97% from Bowling Green KY at 204pm CST. Other than some digital photos...
  27. Oldbased

    Dune: Part Three

    Coming June 2027 Dune 10! Spice worms speak their first words, I almost had you Dom. Family
  28. Oldbased

    I'm sure in your made up fantasy world you actually believe that and actually think you are correct. Sadly the rest of us know you are just retarded.
  29. Oldbased

    I love how 99% of women on Twitch scrap down to the basic strings to show as much of their diseased STD body they can but if anyone comments on it or even compliments their ASSets then they usually get banned for it. "Here is my tits and you can even make out the fine details of my Arby's Roast...
  30. Oldbased

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    In addition to Iron Eagle I remember him well as the Jaffa leader in the end seasons of SG1 dealing with the Ori. I've probably seen him in 50 different other things but fuck if I can remember the name of them. Just B late night 80s/90s/2000s shit.
  31. Oldbased

    That ho got a body count higher than US and Russia tied together in the last 100 years of blowing shithole countries up. That pussy probably eats big macs now.
  32. Oldbased

    Road House

    HollyJew is so ass. This keeps popping up and I haven't even bothered with the trailer. Then today I was browsing offerings on Cinemax and came across a 2015 Poltergeist. Didn't even know they remade that shit either. Still haven't seen the Robocop remakes either. Fuck em all.
  33. Oldbased


    Forward Unto Dawn was the first HALO movie/show/game I ever saw in the HALO world. I've watched it a few times since then always as a movie. I think I caught it around 2015 but learned years earlier it was a set of short series all combined together. Everything I knew about Halo up till this...
  34. Oldbased

    Says the unknown faggot and his butt lovers.
  35. Oldbased

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    It's funny you use Kroger as the example. Meijer almost never changes item locations but our Krogers do it every few months it fucking seams. Sometimes they are big multi isle switches and others they will do odd shit like stick PB& Jelly in a far back corner away from literally everything. More...
  36. Oldbased


    Well it is the season finale if not series finale so ya probably want to see it no matter what anyone says just to sign off
  37. Oldbased


    I didn't post because I still don't know what the fuck I just watched. I'm sure it made more sense to those who played the game.
  38. Oldbased


    Who? Also watched this without sound so was just going by grandmas I'd like to eat salmon cakes from Edit- I went to her IMDB and while she has been in a shitload of things and tv series, the only 2 things I know I watched was Jennifer's Body once in 2009 and Rescue Me ( 2 episodes ) both 15+...
  39. Oldbased


    I'm going to love every second of this show just for the sets and CGI and she is easy on the eyes to look at. If it gets too bad I'll watch it with sound off. Is that older lady the crazy mechanic from Mando? I bet you a million bottle caps that the set crews LOVED doing this show. Oh shit I...
  40. Oldbased

    Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver (2024)

    Another month on this? Been waiting for the drop so I can sub for $6.99 then instantly converting that $6.99 monthly with ads and shit quality to the max plan and get basically 2 weeks of best Netflix without paying a ton of money.