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  1. Woefully Inept


    Yeah we definitely need the rain. Everything has been bone dry here too. Looks like it's going to rain straight through the weekend. Be nice time to sit out on our lanai and do some reading while the rain comes down.
  2. Woefully Inept


    Oh I know. I'm just outside Tampa. I'm hoping he's wrong.
  3. Woefully Inept


    Well let's see if this guy is correct again.
  4. Woefully Inept

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

  5. Woefully Inept

    Comic Books

    I purchased my first comic/graphic novel in over 20 years yesterday. Razorfist's Ghost of the Badlands. I can't wait to dive into this.
  6. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    This was just posted today by Secrets.
  7. Woefully Inept

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Tragic origin of a super-hero?
  8. Woefully Inept

    The Video Thread

    Almost made it!
  9. Woefully Inept

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    If you're an EQ fan and not hyped for this there's something wrong with you.
  10. Woefully Inept

    The Animated GIF Thread

  11. Woefully Inept

    Sports Entertainment

    Watched Backlash last night and wow what an insane crowd. Let's see AEW pull that off.
  12. Woefully Inept


    Using google? :P
  13. Woefully Inept


    .ini file settings
  14. Woefully Inept

    Fallout - New Vegas

    I Found Out about those a couple days ago actually. "oh shit"
  15. Woefully Inept


    I just listened to the 4 current books over the past few weeks. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I was going to. It was nice to read a non-Apocalyptic litrpg series where it is about just playing an awesome mmo.
  16. Woefully Inept

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Don't forget the achievement to dump 100 cans of tomato soup on to rare Classic artwork.
  17. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Should have released with Kunark. Classic is boring as fuck.
  18. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    I can respect that.
  19. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Don't even get started on all the street shitters in the game. Piles of shit all over the place!
  20. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    There's only 26 references in the entire game. It should be easy to avoid them, no? Is it really so much to ask adults to act like adults and not blubbering children when they see a single fucking word that hurts their feely feels? It's embarrassingly pathetic.
  21. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    I do love the server and this certainly won't prevent me from playing more but if I'm being honest it's just a holding pattern until MNM is released.
  22. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    What a pathetic faggot whoever that faggot is.
  23. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    That's what this is all about? Wow.
  24. Woefully Inept

    The Animated GIF Thread

    Bruh. She's like 8. And who else knew without having to even look? lol edit: rando gif
  25. Woefully Inept

    4Posterity - A repository for your favorite out-of-context FOH quotes

    You have issuss. But we already knew this.
  26. Woefully Inept

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    3 or 5 sprayed with the 80s-90s version of this shit. My grandmother blew me and my brother's minds the first time she busted out the cooking spray. Ludicrous speed!!!!
  27. Woefully Inept

    do you cum in your pants when the MISC is around?

    The usual hijinx started to get annoying. This shit is hilarious. Got me hook, line, and sinker.
  28. Woefully Inept

    do you cum in your pants when the MISC is around?

    I was 100% full screen retardation again this year but when there was nothing I was lulled into a false sense of security.
  29. Woefully Inept

    do you cum in your pants when the MISC is around?

    OH FFS I just remembered what day it is. I deserve to be here. rofl
  30. Woefully Inept

    do you cum in your pants when the MISC is around?

    Well shit I knew I was retarded but not this retarded. Was that Tuco bucks offer a scam!?!?
  31. Woefully Inept

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    We will be performing server downtime today at 2pm to release Patch 1.6, as well as introduce some 'fun' elements to the game. Estimated downtime is 1 hour. ***Welcome to the Ruins of Old Paineel, also known as The Hole! *** This zone is being released ahead of Kunark, which is a major...
  32. Woefully Inept

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Rose from Doctor Who? My first guess was Nicole Kidman.
  33. Woefully Inept

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Neither will Pantheon. Lolol
  34. Woefully Inept

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    She doesn't mention any blindness and you know damn well this retarded cunt would plaster that everywhere too.
  35. Woefully Inept

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    All these lunatics blink like crazy. I'm not sure I blink that much in an entire day forget in 48 seconds.
  36. Woefully Inept

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    I lied. This will be the last update. Sub has been cancelled. "Customer service" lol
  37. Woefully Inept

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    It was faster to start from scratch and unlock the mount than it was to resolve that petition. Looks cool as shit though.
  38. Woefully Inept

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    And the last update I'll do because at this point I'm just trying to get a free month out of them. Now to wait another 3-5 days for them to reply. This is beyond absurd. edit: So that'll be 15 days and change dealing with this.
  39. Woefully Inept

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Here you go gents. Your daily laugh. How am I supposed to restore items that can't be sold, destroyed, or removed from your inventory in any way? And I already checked it in any case before sending a pointless petition. I've used this before but it has never been so relevant.