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    Few Lovecraftians inspiration from the real life and beliefs

    The article is intended primarily for Game Masters who play games in settings inspired by Lovecraft’s works. However, I hope that other fans of cosmic horror will also find something for themselves here. The interesting facts presented here may also be entertaining for people who do not know the...
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    OK so it is time for the promised update! Some new things in this version are: - harpies and serpentmen are now reruitable for Tempter character, - new expedition to Witchlands, land once ruled by civilization older even than Your character, - new possible way...
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    "All Children of the Mother" - short story for reading and listening

    It's dark-fantasy tale, this time about the peace-preaching priestess who changed the world. If You prefer reading: All Children of the Mother – short story If You prefer listening:
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    What did you just read?

    "Dread Wyrm", third tome of the "Traitor Son" by Miles Cameron. I am not sure if it is fault of original or translator, but writing is a bit clumsy. Although story and worldbuilding are acceptable enough dor me to continue reading.
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    Hello! I'm still working on the game and plan to release a new version soon. But new content and features mean the risk of new bugs and balance problems, so I'm looking for testers. Is anyone interested in helping me test the new version?
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    "Tale of the Necromancer" - short story, including audio version

    This is dark fantasy/horror story, stylized as an oral legend, tells the story of a simple man's journey gradually descending into darkness. If You prefer to read: „Tale of the Necromancer” If You prefer to listen:
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    "Twisted Gods" - few RPG concepts for an inspiration

    In RPG and fantasy, we are often faced with a situation where the existence of gods is an empirically confirmed fact, rather than a matter of belief. Two extremes can be distinguished in the representation of these entities (note - I do not claim that all creation adopts one of these two extreme...
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    Retro Gaming Thread

    Many Heroes of Might and Magic fans and gaming experts are aware of the precursor of the HoMM series - original King's Bounty game. But recently I found another old game which used very similar mechanics as HoMM, but is basically never mentioned as its precursor - Hammer of the Gods.
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    What are you playing?

    Theoretically Dragon's Dogma, but I get bored a bit, so I am playing Dawn of War II: Retribution during the break. After finishing Imperial Guard campaign I will probably come back to DD.
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    In my country's mountains there is sometimes special wind called "halny". It is not only very strong (trees-uprooting- strong) but it has bizarre influence on psychological health. It is not like local population change into bloodthirsty mindless zombies - but always when halny howls there is...
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    The Boys

    How much woke it is? I heard that whole story is based on some leftist deconstruction of superhero genre based on assumption that existence of superheroes is "against equality", therefore every superhero must be "fascist"?
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    So there will be new season? Nice.
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    The Witcher

    Watched avalaible episodes of the 3rd season. It is better than 2nd one, but still not great.
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    Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2022)

    "Also got the impression this is gonna be part of the new DCEU since the Peacemaker people showed up at the end. It also had Gal Gadot though so I don't know. Unless they're keeping her around? But they can't because it's a different universe and that'd make Supes/Flash/Aqua canon to the new...
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    Thank You! Well, one of the features avalaible in new version will be choosing Your consort, but it definitely will not be oglaf level of sexiness (and be rather tertiary element).
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    Thank You for playing! Hope You have at least a but of fun. Did You saw any bugs? Have You any suggestions?
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    More reviews have appeared: - BOKC] BlancoKix (video): - Dad's Game Review (podcast): Latest Episodes - Dads Game Review
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    The first video review of the game in English language was posted: .
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    Thanks for playing. Yes, there is issue on some iPhones, on some of them online version is displayed as dark letters on dark background. I am not sure why, probably because of something with, because downloadable version works always alright. Dominion of Darkness 1.962+
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    Wheel of Time series

    Oh, yes, Aiel history flashback was one of my favourite elements.
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    @ All Thank You very much for playing and feedback! @ Seananigans I never used ChatGPT, it is made with Twine.
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    "Dominion of Darkness" - simulator of Dark Lord/Lady

    "Dominion of Darkness” is a strategy/RPG text game in which the player takes on the role of a Sauron-style Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and...
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    Wheel of Time series

    Maybe I am heretic, but I actually liked Sanderson books more. At least amount of clothes descriptions was lessened and characters started to act a little bit more reasonable (I like many WoT worldbuilding concepts, but I dislike interpersonal relations).
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    What are you playing?

    Rimworld, my first gameplay with all DLCs.
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    Total War: Warhammer

    I played first part on my old laptop. It was fun, but each battle was loading so long that I was reading a book in meantime and at the end I was just using fast resolution. But now with new computer maybe I will try it again.
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    Kingdom Death: Monster

    Never played it, altough reading manual was fun.