Search results

  1. Burns

    Ancient Civilizations

    I don't see anything stating or suggesting that the gene that mutated to digest the nylon byproduct could only exist because it was used to digest nylon in the past.
  2. Burns

    Ancient Civilizations

    Where are you getting all this bacteria already knew how to digest nylon and couldn't possibly pick up that ability in 40 years? I think you are misunderstanding what they are saying about the DNA. Also, 40 years seems like a long time for a bacteria. If a bacteria is growing, it can divide...
  3. Burns

    Ancient Civilizations

    Easier explanation is stories of the breaking of Glacier lakes getting passed down through the generations as humans settled the Americas. This is the easiest explanation for all great flood stories. Humans could have been in the Americas for some of these particular events and they also...
  4. Burns


    It's been a while, but I think 44 in OK is all toll with actual booths, but not that much cost? There won't be any tolls in Texas by going through OKC, as it's 35 the whole way (at least, once you are heading out of Austin). Edit: The route link wasn't working. I've taken that 82 cutover before...
  5. Burns


    Ah, I forgot exactly where you lived so was just doing from Tulsa to Austin. It gave a 20 min difference for that route, going through Oklahoma City. At 35 min extra it's still not a bad choice, if you want a ton of high speed no stop highway only driving. I didn't mind the 75 and 69 route all...
  6. Burns

    Dragon Age: Why We Can't Have Nice Things

    Microsoft sucks sure, but how are they involved with EA or Bioware (outside of Xbawx)?
  7. Burns

    The Astronomy Thread

    Looks like the left is UGC 6923 and the right is UGC 6969. Both are Galaxies. Here is a SS from Stellarium, it's rotated *almost* 90 degrees:
  8. Burns


    Be aware, 35e and the downtown Dallas interchange fucking sucks (Dallas in general sucks). Going through Oklahoma City might be worth the extra bit of time just to take the "nicer" 35w and not have to hit the 35e -> 75 interchange. Google Streetview is pretty good for showing you the shit (here...
  9. Burns


    Defiantly looks like it's already in the running for worst video game movie adaptation. Although I may not necessarily "get" Borderlands, since I found the first game to be lackluster and never played any of the others. Maybe the under 30 year old spaz crowd think it looks good (or teens in...
  10. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Don't ya know that the Monk class and martial arts used in western products, like D&D/Pathfinder, is now cultural appropriation, so they are just trying to get out in front of that. Plus Spiritborn is kinda similar to two-spirit, which is what some American Indians called the gays or "trans" or...
  11. Burns

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    My guess would also be a vinyl wrap (most likely) or Plasti-dip and maybe something went wrong with adhesion on a high heat day. Plasti-dip:
  12. Burns

    What vehicle do you drive?

    I can't think of a vehicle that gives you more bang for the buck across both the base and Z06, in any generation. In order to appeal to a younger crowd, and not just be an old man sports car, it's been Chevy's marketing strategy to make the Vette the best price for performance for as long as I...
  13. Burns

    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

    As long as one of them identifies as female, then it's ok cause it's hetero!
  14. Burns

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    I had no issues playing with with my GTX970. My processor is newer though (Ryzen 5 5600x).
  15. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Your friend got retardedly lucky there. No idea how much time I've spent playing, but also have 3 max rep level 100 characters with full level 15 runes for 1 spec (2 specs on druid)(how ever many NM that takes), ~13 Tormented Duriels, and worked up to level 58 Pit. The only Uber I have seen was...
  16. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Part of the point of maxing the wolf rep grind is making Ubers, if you are unlucky in getting them. It doesn't take all that long to level to mid 70s, and by then, if you are maxing the rep, you would be done. You already have 2 sparks at least, 1 from max rep on your character and 1 from...
  17. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Edit: I guess I am on ignore, since this will be the third time going over this... Not exactly, again, the loot at WT4 is worthless for the 50s and 60s if you have worked on your rep. The chests in WT2 give much more rep (WT4 = 840 rep, WT2 = 1200 rep per 2 zone Helltide) so opening WT4 chests...
  18. Burns

    The Boys

    Last season was mediocre and went nowhere, so I don't have much hype going into this season. Hopefully it's at least better than it's spin off show, Gen V, which wasn't terrible.
  19. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    The WT1/2 chests are all the same, and give 120 rep for 100 cinders. The rep boxes give gear that is set item levels with guaranteed uniques in them. If you get rep fast enough you can have ilevel 750+ weapon at 55, maybe even a higher ilevel. The gear in WT4 was mostly worthless for my level 60...
  20. Burns

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Pretty good interview, with Sven and Lead Writer Adam Smith, asking some questions I haven't seen before or going into a bit more detail on others:
  21. Burns

    Marvel Universe stuff

    Wouldn't surprise me that some suit pushed for that plot point to meet some metric they thought would get more "premium women" demographic, after they did test screenings. I mostly blame the mediocrity of the movies on the Warner C-suits for pushing it to be three movies and Jackson agreeing to...
  22. Burns

    The Acolyte

    I was totally tempted to fire up Brave browser and head over to after seeing a couple people saying it wasn't turrable. You may be asking yourself, why fire up Brave, and that's because the website requires an open-source add-on to work well, and it does work very...
  23. Burns

    Marvel Universe stuff

    You know, the woman that brought the she-elf to life in The Hobbit trilogy, by helping to portray the love story between a dwarf and an elf that Tolken totally wrote into the book:
  24. Burns

    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

    Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if that was their marketing strategy for trying to get 15 to 25 year olds to watch the show and that whole set up was written by staff.
  25. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I think you get currency faster in WT 3, then faster still in WT 4. So if you run around with constantly spawning worms and elites from the sploit or sit at Maiden (also spawning elites and worms, but less often) in WT 3/4, you can make enough currency to open all the boxes (in WT 2) faster.
  26. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Also, focusing on wolves rep and getting all the high level items by the early 70s, makes surviving with a mindcage easier. If you are ahead of the curve while progressing the rep, it also allows you to easily finish the keystone dungeons. I didn't push the keystones as fast as I probably...
  27. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    Pretty sure I was getting more 925s per hour at level 80 while sitting at maiden in Helltide w/ mindcage than I got chain running nightmare dungeons to skill up the runes to 15 at 90. Necro at 90 was able to do 70+ nightmare dungeon keys (think I may have done up to 90 before hitting level...
  28. Burns

    The Acolyte

    Too easy, more like Yoda is an amphibian than changes sex at will and baby Yoda's parents are actually Yoda and Yoda.
  29. Burns

    The Acolyte

    Current mystery is how they are going to shit on the IP in episode 4. Then, how big is the shit pile going to be by the end.
  30. Burns

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Paranoid voice in the back of my head: This statement makes the future doxxing AI (or even a malicious person) 1 step closer to doxxing you...
  31. Burns

    Oh... what I searched directly before typing in "P" makes a bit of a difference: Searching for "merlin 9 cylinder" right before hand gives me: Searching "mouldboard plough" first gives me: Searching "Real Time with Bill Maher" first gives: Searching for "Joe Rogan" first gives: Does Google...
  32. Burns

    For shits and giggles: Who searches for porn on Google anyways?
  33. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I found being level 70 with a mindcage running was giving me over 50% i925s. Once I hit 80 with a mindcage running, it felt like I was getting 90% i925 drops. On my Necro, I was in full 925s by the time I hit 80, outside of a neckless, which was 844ish, since it rolled +3 to the right ability...
  34. Burns

    About Dry Grasses (2023)

  35. Burns

    The Video Thread

  36. Burns

    Look, @Khane didn't even know the J7W Shinden was a real plane, so you have to assume all his arguments are flawed! Also, I feel dirty for partially agreeing with Cybsled in this discussion, when all of his gaming tastes are so terrible...
  37. Burns

    Diablo 4 / IV / IIII / Fore / Cope / Seethe

    I started selling every item instead of disenchanting it before I even switched to a different class. Sitting at Maiden in a Helltide netting 100+ items per ~45 min is a decent chunk of gold. I hovered around 100m gold most of the time, and stopped rerolling items when they hit around 1 mil per...
  38. Burns


    It probably heavily depends on how many more people have stuck their fingers in the pie, once it got so popular.
  39. Burns

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    I'd much much rather have a long winded game with decent to good writing than anything a AAA studio has produced in the last 15-20 years. If zoning out and occasionally skipping half of a conversation is the price for getting more Owlcat and Larian games, I will happily pay it. I also wouldn't...