Search results

  1. Srathor

    Star Citizen Online - The search for more money

    It is almost done! Honest!
  2. Srathor

    Homeworld 3

    I loved Homeworld. This is not homeworld. It is mimicing the dessicated corpse of Homeworld. It is fake, And gay.
  3. Srathor

    Throne and Liberty (Formerly Project TL)

    Some bucks for something new. If it sucks I can still have some fun
  4. Srathor

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    I bought the game. I am playing the game. I am having fun, without ever opening the cash shop. It is not the best game I have ever played, but again I am having fun. Oh and it is obvious that the sky is falling, cats and dogs are living together, and y'all motherfuckers need Jesus. Or...
  5. Srathor

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    Same. Very Excite
  6. Srathor

    Helldivers II

    That it is fun full auto bullet sponge. You die in hilarious ways. You buddies die in hilarious ways. You lose fights. You blow shit up. You kill many things for Managed Democracy! And the glory of Super Earth! Have a cup of Liber-Tea!
  7. Srathor


    Bought it, tried it. Uninstalled it. Might try it at launch. If I am bored. Enshrouded is a MUCH better game. Hell Palworld with it's goofyness is a much better game.
  8. Srathor

    Ashes of Creation

    Damnit! Crowfall was not a good game, but I miss it quite a lot. Stupid J. Todd Coleman
  9. Srathor

    The D&D thread

    1 time a day casts Evards Rapey Tenticles
  10. Srathor

    Marriage and the Power of Divorce

    Point out to them that as a member of the Privileged White Patriarchy they are finally acting properly.
  11. Srathor

    The D&D thread

    The perfect story, and or perfect moments, only exist in your head. The best shit and funniest shit is always in the beats in between. You are the conductor, but the fuckers across from you have their parts to play, and 99% is Jazz notes.
  12. Srathor

    Pax Dei

    The test was just on coop building. Lots more to come.
  13. Srathor

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    They don't need to. It is always gay and lame.
  14. Srathor

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    Classic Wotlk has LFG now. With ports to and fro
  15. Srathor

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    The warlock Glyph that let them tank in Cata was a blast. I loved it, but it would not let you que as a tank. And player pushback and bitching was real when you tried to do it.
  16. Srathor

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    God damn Whitey, you got a tan!
  17. Srathor

    A thread for boomers to talk about water

    Could you bubble up some water with another type of gas? What about helium for some voice changing bubbles? Or that other gas that made you go deeper and demonic? That would be a fun party trick? How about Oxygen and make healing water?
  18. Srathor

    Health Problems

    That can be some scary shit. (The prednisone at least) It didn't do much for pain, but I was so damn pumped up that pain didn't affect gods. You will also gain weight if you are on any kind of dose for long and shit is basically like supercharging your innards, it can burn you out.
  19. Srathor

    Health Problems

    So much of health and injury recovery is variable. We are all ticking time bombs. Hope you Mom gets better or at least stronger.
  20. Srathor

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    3 years ago after my triple bypass, the doc made me go 3 months with a life vest. Basically a goblin resurrection vest. Big ol lithium battery, metal disc contacts, and a warning to not touch me if I collapse. I had to sleep with it on and shit. Had an hour a day when I could take it off, to...
  21. Srathor

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Yep and people made time for it. Because it was a good game. 1 week... 2 weeks... a Month... Time keeps on slippin man. Slippin into the future...
  22. Srathor

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Classic proved "at the time" that that type of game worked. It was new, it was fresh and it was fun. More of the same doesn't work. There has to be new, there has to be fresh, and there has to be fun. They got some changes right, and some changes wrong. Different subsets of the population...
  23. Srathor

    World of Warcraft: Current Year

    Our generations make time for a good game. But lives are needy. 1 week. 2 weeks. a month. 3 months. a half a year. a year. 2 years 5 years. 10 years. a decade. 2 decades. cradle to grave. We didn't have lives 30-35 years ago. The world we grew up in no longer exists.
  24. Srathor

    General Gaming News and Discussion

    Hey hasbro! Hey Bud Light! Watch this! - Unity Owners...
  25. Srathor

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    The macro thing works. but you have to log out and back in to refresh macros in /castsequence rank changes.
  26. Srathor

    The D&D thread

    A trick I used to use is let the dice choose. I used it for a ton of shit. Depending on what it was and the gradient needed. 25% chance increments use a D4. Get a 1 only 25% (roughly) is true. Get a 4 it is 100% true. Have folks roll dice when meeting an NPC. Use that to fuck with them cause...
  27. Srathor

    The D&D thread

    Lying to your players in character is fine. As the DM it is a really bad idea. But I have stone faced looked over the shield and rolled dice while locking eye contact, and said things like you failed/succeeded. Not once looking at the dice. You are there to have fun. Both for you and the...
  28. Srathor

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    I made him a corpse early on, and had not a single problem with him since.
  29. Srathor

    The West Wing

    Fantastic show, and I pretty much hate liberals. And yeah, all of government wished they were like that damn show. What shocks and pisses me off is it is so damn old and most of the episodes are relevant now. Nothing has been fixed, nothing has been solved, and the fucking same themes and...
  30. Srathor

    Starfield - Fallout fallout that isn't ES6

    Who else is getting excited? I am a grown ass man of 53 years and fuck, I am. Damnit.
  31. Srathor


    Gosh.. Idiots! Don't you know your droidlore. All droids are... Non-Binary!
  32. Srathor

    Indiana Jones 5 (2020)

    2 had some great moments, but it wasn't a great movie. 1 was a great introduction movie, but once you see it, you are introduced. 3 was just a great movie. There are no other Indiana Jones movies. Much like there is only 1 Highlander movie.
  33. Srathor

    You know you're getting old when.....

    There are options Portable Amp/Bluetooth receiver
  34. Srathor

    The D&D thread

    The legend of the 5 rings card game had an excellent rule. The Emperor's Favor. - Whoever has this token rules on disputes as the will of the Emperor, then passes the token to their right. It kept the game moving, in card games and dnd and even warhammer fantasy battles.
  35. Srathor

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Heh Dark Sun Shattered Lands Gold Box. By SSI.
  36. Srathor

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    It is more the detail and branching options. It honestly has as many or more options than most pen and paper games. Which is astounding. (Exceptional GM's of course can do more)
  37. Srathor

    Snow White (2024)

    How do you say "The Wiz" in mexican?
  38. Srathor

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    Scorching ray upcast is crazy. I have not tried a sorc with it upcast and twinned.