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  1. B

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Patch note dump is the Friday before launch iirc.
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    The Fighting Game Community Thread

    Combobreaker weekend. Can't find one of the handsy schedule pics, but it's all weekend on the usual streams. found it:
  3. B

    The Fast Food Thread

    Middling sadly. Great idea, but needs to be crispier and less oily. But good luck with that at Caesar’s.
  4. B

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I could have sworn yoshi himself mentioned changing drg and the delay for 7.0 a few times.
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    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Had a good run!
  6. B

    Roguelite Enemy Hell/Bullet Heaven/Survivor catch-all

    The latest dwarf engineer guy in soulstone is pretty fun. Still haven't unlocked the monkey king guy. Full curse 5 is still pretty rough.
  7. B

    Spring 2024 Anime Thread

    Made in Abyss is absolutely horrific. The potato main cast pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. I'm still flabbergasted they showed it on adult swim. I can only assume they edited quite a bit out.
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    Roguelite Enemy Hell/Bullet Heaven/Survivor catch-all

    Looks a bit like Risk of Rain 2 from the trailer vid. By teh folks that made soulstone survivors
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    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Was looking forward to the tour for the new album. Huge bummer.
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    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Rip Albini
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    Dead Boy Detectives

    Right on. I saw the name and immediately thought of the doom patrol trio.
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    Warhammer 40k luls
  13. B

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    I keep forgetting Xbox being a thing now. Greg has pretty much always been congested. Does it not open up during windows on off hours like it used to?
  14. B


    That looks actually great. Wish it wasn't D&d based, but eh. Might pick it up just to read through.
  15. B

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Texture upgrades are nice. Pretty minor hit to performance too. Not that I was expecting a massive change, but better looking always helps.
  16. B

    Desktop Computers

    Not used them personally but I’ve heard they’re pretty decent. I was eyeballing one of their AMD ones awhile back.
  17. B

    Desktop Computers

    Not used them personally but I’ve heard they’re pretty decent. I was eyeballing one of their AMD ones awhile back.
  18. B

    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff

    I dabble with xwing and armada. But never tried that one.
  19. B

    What are you playing?

    They definitely took some framework from 13 sentinels. It’s similar but seemingly way less VN oriented for the narrative. Only a little further played than you.
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    Star Wars general purpose movie stuff Don't think they've finished with Return of the jedi- but i got OG starwars in all its glory. Still need to track down the 4k79 version of Empire.
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    I spent some time with the demo, ended up getting sucked into it entirely for a few hours. Definitely seems great. Reminds me a bit of dragon force back on the Saturn weirdly enough. Semi similar to 13th sentinel, but much less visual novel type gameplay. Pseudo rts elements to moving your...
  22. B

    Warhammer 40k

    I'd get behind that. But i'd prefer a jokaero vs slann backdrop.
  23. B

    Last Epoch

    237% of your base crit chance is what that means. So given 5% is the base chance for most things- you'd be looking at ~12% crit chance there.
  24. B

    Steam Events (Next Fest, etc)

    yea its bork for me too.
  25. B


    I completely forgot the first season actress. Lexx is a secret guilty pleasure of mine tho. Late low budget night sci-fi weirdness. Big fan.
  26. B


    Early next year then? I’d guess.
  27. B

    The Fighting Game Community Thread

    Frosty Faustings is live. First tourney of the year.
  28. B

    Winter 2024 Anime Thread

    i enjoyed the reference to that sci-fi movie that i can never remember the fucking name to. With the mouse beathing goo.
  29. B

    Desktop Computers

    I bought an app that lets me move it to the top. Heh. There is a reg key that might work for the sides tho. Start11 from star dock.
  30. B

    Winter 2024 Anime Thread

    Yep. It’s on another level of gay entirely. The ED for the second ep was turbo gay. Still great tho.
  31. B

    Winter 2024 Anime Thread

    Those 2 episodes give me hope for some wtf greatness.
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    Board Games

    Not sure which thread TMB stuff goes in, but... They made pewter! minis: And they're making an elder scrolls game?!
  33. B

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Didn’t try that effect. But cool vibe. Infravision still seems terrible in comparison to ultra. Those are the only vision traits I messed with.
  34. B

    Roguelite Enemy Hell/Bullet Heaven/Survivor catch-all

    With meta progression of some sort, usually. It's usually just a quick fix of dopamine hits. Fast progression, huge numbers, screen clearing, different skill combos. ~15-30 minute time commitment for a run.
  35. B

    Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Games

    They already blew their wads when it came out complaining about how it was unrealistic for a game of that scope to come out, and it was toxic to expect that level going forward etc. Fuck em.
  36. B

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    I know the routes for a few areas in the city now, but yeah. The thing is enormous. And there is a second zone of it through the tunnel. I do appreciate the process of internalizing navigating the thing. Even when you have to suss out from vague Guard hints if your understanding of north is...
  37. B

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    Just logged out. They spawned a dragon at one of the entrances to get zerged down. I started late, but went with a gobbie SK. No shitty rep issues this time at the trainers! They had to spawn extra quest turn in NPCs- because some back end weirdness or whatever. Frame rate will need to be...
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    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    I assume the window got extended. For how long?
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    Doom Patrol

    That last episode was more bittersweet than I was prepared for. Good wrap up for the show though.
  40. B


    Flowmotion or motion smoothing might be on. Should be able to turn that off fairly easily if you swap to technicolor expert for basically everything. Otherwise poke around in the settings and disable that junk.