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  1. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    FIT21 day. Hold onto your digital assets boys.
  2. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

  3. Arden

    Manor lords

    Anyone playing this? Is it playable? Fun? Someone give me a fair but critical review
  4. Arden

    Manor lords

    Looks really cool, but I know I'd hate it. I used to love city build/rts combat games but I've grown really bored with super tedious mechanics when it comes to the building/management of territories. I don't mind making big, sweeping decisions about the direction/development of my faction, but...
  5. Arden

    Road House

    The 80s were absolutely filled with movies where anyone in the industry with talent in other decades would have skimmed through the script, laughed and said "I'm not attaching my name to this garbage." But for some reason that didn't happen in the 80s, and as a result we got a ton of amazing...
  6. Arden

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

    Hahaha. Tarantino is going to be so neurotic about how absolutely fucking amazing his last movie ever has to be that it will never get made.
  7. Arden


    Yeah Apple is solid. I keep trying to cancel my sub but they keep coming out with stuff that makes it worth sticking. I hate having a bunch of subs so I get pretty ruthless when it comes to culling any sub that isn't providing me a clear, worthwhile benefit. Apple hasn't made the cut list yet.
  8. Arden

    Project Quarm - 1 Box Planes of Power

    Wait, this is a joke right? They didn't really change in game names because someone's GF got upset right? Refuse to believe this is accurate
  9. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Sounds like you timed it well, congrats. I've been delaying, which I knew was risky based on macro stuff that has pretty clearly been careening towards an event like this. I've been up big since Jan but I've been trying to stretch it out long enough to avoid cap gains. If this storm ends up...
  10. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    everyone might want to plan on holding their crypto for a while, unless you fancy a loss
  11. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    When crypto corrects it doesn't correct by 5%, it corrects by 15-20%.
  12. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies This is going to be interesting. One of the biggest things holding Defi back has been the fear of regulation. Specifically, that the SEC would bring the hammer down on Defi and completely...
  13. Arden


    Hard to complain about a show this well done, but they are cutting out some of the best parts in the book involving Blackthorne.
  14. Arden


    Was looking forward to this coming out but then read a well-written review that made it seem pretty bad. Probably going to give it a shot anyway. Farrell is a gem. Still don't think he gets the acting cred he deserves.
  15. Arden

    Playstation 5

    Yeah... kind of annoying though. I worked hard to get a ps5 when they were still pretty hard to come by and mine has mostly been collecting dust- outside of a few occasions like when I played ER. I'm mainly a PC gamer but it's nice to be able to just chill on the couch with a controller...
  16. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Hahaha you guys realize you're never going to convince Flobee NFTs have value, right? Acknowledging that would mean acknowledging that ETH and some other "shitcoins" may have value. And to BTC maxis that's literal heresy.
  17. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Yes, this is the nature of power and governments. It's also why the bitcoin utopia that bitcoin "true believers" envision is never going to happen. It has nothing to do with bitcoin (which is great) and everything to do with how humans behave, especially in groups, which is usually shity. The...
  18. Arden

    Project 99 - Green Server announcement

    I said this years ago now, but p99 should just have the servers on a cycle. Starting with the current set up they need to: Step 1- Merge green with blue. Step 2- Open a brand new green server. Wait 3 years and then start over with Step 1. Rinse and repeat as long as they keep p99 going...
  19. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    You stand by your incorrect call?
  20. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    I remember when you posted that. You realize BTC went up something like 20k in the weeks after you posted right?
  21. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Memecoins can stay solvent longer than you can stay rational.
  22. Arden


    Worth watching even if you don't care about Japanese history. If you do, it's a must see.
  23. Arden


    Listened to an interview with the show runners. They apparently used a really complicated process that involved first translating the English script to modern Japanese, then having an Edo Era specialist in Japan (who doesn't even speak English) translate the modern Japanese to Edo Era. And...
  24. Arden


    Jail scene in the book was definitely a lot longer/more significant. So in that way the first series was closer. But the book also spent plenty of time on Toranaga and several of the other non-Blackthorne characters. Current series has been tracking the book pretty well so far imo. In some...
  25. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    To take profit or not to take profit... That is the question. I eased back into crypto when it suddenly jumped up in Nov. I was pretty sure a new bull run was getting ready to start. Officially now sitting on 100-150% gains across all of my coins at this point. Conventional wisdom says I'd...
  26. Arden

    Investing General Discussion

    You could always talk to a tax professional. I get not wanting to spend money on one, but if you are talking about a pretty big sum of money, it's probably worth getting professional advice.
  27. Arden

    Investing General Discussion

    And how much do you charge for all this?
  28. Arden


    Yeah he got into physical fights with Bill Murray back stage a few times when they were both on SNL in the early days.
  29. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Yeah... sure. If we dip below 54k it will be significant. Otherwise, it's just another day in crypto.
  30. Arden

    Investing General Discussion

    Hell yeah
  31. Arden


    Just as long as they don't do what Argentina did to the Star Wars movies:
  32. Arden


    Nah they skipped that part and most of the other funny male/female misunderstanding adventures early on.
  33. Arden


    I can see how someone could think this if you haven't read the book, but Mariko is samurai herself and much smarter than her husband (who is actually a pretty interesting/dangerous dude even if he doesn't have political savvy). One of Toranaga's best traits is his ability to recognize the...
  34. Arden

    Investing General Discussion

    Same boat. I've missed all kinds of shit because fuck waking up at 5a. If I added it up, I'm sure I've lost several thousand dollars over the last year because I refuse to get up that early.
  35. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    I had assumed he was joking...
  36. Arden

    Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO

    There was no thought process with hell levels. It was an accident.
  37. Arden

    Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

    Not sure it's going to take a year to hit a new ATH. Not sure it's going to take 6 months at this rate.