Search results

  1. LiquidDeath

    God of War: Ragnarok

  2. LiquidDeath

    Trigger Warning (2024)

    Anyone arguing this is literally retarded. There is no current woman assigned to special forces anywhere in the world that is a better choice than one of the top .001% of military men that could be in that role. Not just for physical strength reasons, but that is obvious, but because men are...
  3. LiquidDeath

    Trigger Warning (2024)

    There is no plausible scenario where a woman could be qualified for a special forces role. They simply do not have the physical ability.
  4. LiquidDeath

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Don't be like him and let reading comprehension get the best of you. I said his argument is tautological, not that calories don't matter. You can't lose weight without expending more calories than you take in. It isn't possible because it is the entire mechanism by which weight loss occurs so...
  5. LiquidDeath

    Deadlock (New game from Steam - unannounced)

    Everyone has to have "classes" and rotating weapons and shit. As if original Quake CTF was not the pinnacle of team vs team PVP.
  6. LiquidDeath

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Hahaha, wow. Everything about you is just completely degenerate. I'm willing to espouse plenty of things on this board if it sends you into these kind of creepy, self-destructive, fetish spirals.
  7. LiquidDeath

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    This is why no one talks to you seriously, degen. No amount of you autistically posting graphs showing that you successfully starved yourself make the fact that CICO as a strategy for weight loss is tautological less true.
  8. LiquidDeath

    Civil War (2024)

  9. LiquidDeath

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Listen degenerate, you are completely wrong about CICO as a weight loss strategy and many other things. You are wrong on so many things that I barely stand it, but I will acknowledge that my personal experience with keto/low-carb/carnivore dieting led to over-acceptance of carbs alone as the...
  10. LiquidDeath

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    No one is sad to see that alcoholic con artist die.
  11. LiquidDeath

    The Fast Food Thread

    He regularly sides with Cybsled and the dog fucker. Did you think he wasn't a complete, flaming retard?
  12. LiquidDeath


    Who knew the board's resident dog-fucker would chime in about faggot degenerates???
  13. LiquidDeath


    In this post we have a progressive faggot (redundant, I know) insinuating that having sexual fantasies about a cartoon image drawn to be as representative as possible of a sexually mature, human, adult female is intellectually and morally equivalent to having sexual fantasies about a wildly...
  14. LiquidDeath

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    From someone who loved Elden Ring and played it for 160 hours, I like DS3 better because it is a better Souls game. Elden Ring's open world is great, but I prefer the maze-like Souls worlds better where you stumble across shortcuts that weren't obvious and realize the depth of the...
  15. LiquidDeath


    Leave it to the board degenerates and woke apologists to have the worst fucking takes. It's perfectly okay to stop apologizing for a fucked up broad and simply state that having sexual fantasies about a children's cartoon character is weird and wrong. Normal people can just agree to that...
  16. LiquidDeath

    Coffee Thread

    As someone who has gone through all the iterations of espresso machine, I ask you a serious question: are you sure you want to grind, tamp, wait for temp, brew, and clean for every espresso shot you pull? Also, it takes practice to pull good shots on manual machines, so we're talking about...
  17. LiquidDeath

    NBA 2023-24 Season Thread - The Lakers Lose, America Wins

    While Divac brought the Euro faggot-flop to the NBA, its real downfall was leaning into NYC street ball in the 80s and 90s. They started ignoring the procedural fouls that made people practice specific skills in favor of allowing athletic showmanship. Before a point guard had to be massively...
  18. LiquidDeath

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    I did play it long enough ago that I may misremember the loading times. If you get good, though, you don't have the death screens!
  19. LiquidDeath

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Buying a used PS4 is off the table? I played it at release on a regular, fat PS4 with absolutely no problems. You don't have to get expensive, and Bloodborne is one of the few games that I would buy a console to play.
  20. LiquidDeath

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

  21. LiquidDeath

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    My family has been loving Top Round, believe it or not. I can get a 3-4 lb piece for $5.99/lb at Costco and then slice it thin against the grain to make either beef and broccoli or fajitas. As long as you velvet it or marinade it for a few hours with some oil and acid it ends up with a very...
  22. LiquidDeath

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    This confuses me as well. Beef is so expensive as to be prohibitive for most cuts these days but everyone still seems to be buying. I know I'm a cheap ass when it comes to grocery spending but there just can't be this many people able to afford $13/lb choice ribeye. What the fuck is propping...
  23. LiquidDeath


    Not here in central OK.
  24. LiquidDeath

    Service Providers (Internet, TV, Etc)

    All that speed.....and capped at a paltry few TBs unless you shell out an extra $50/month. In a just world Cox would have gone financially bankrupt several times over.
  25. LiquidDeath

    Furiosa (2024)

  26. LiquidDeath

    Furiosa (2024)

    No, is it worth watching?
  27. LiquidDeath

    GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

    You guys are so one note that it is silly. I invite you to go read the decades-old comments in any King related thread on this board. They follow the exact same pattern which is: His early stuff when he was out of his mind on drugs is great to amazing for the most part He has always had a...
  28. LiquidDeath

    Desktop Computers

    I've looked at the 200 and like it as well, but have always been an MATX fan. I don't know if ITX is my style. I do like smaller cases though, so maybe I just do the damn 200.
  29. LiquidDeath

    Flesh of the Gods

    Oscar Isaac strikea me as the type to do just that.
  30. LiquidDeath

    Flesh of the Gods

    Oscar Issac had me like Then Kristen Stewart had me like I really like all the stuff he's done, though, especially Mandy so I'm in.
  31. LiquidDeath

    Desktop Computers

    Damn, I really like my V21 Cube but I want a more modern MATX case that is still reasonable to put on my desk.
  32. LiquidDeath

    Desktop Computers

    Anybody built in a Thermaltake Tower 300 yet?
  33. LiquidDeath


    Whelp, the dreaded day has arrived. This weekend I was watching my LG B8 OLED and noticed a bright green stuck pixel about 1/3rd the way down and 1/4 of the way in from the top left side of the panel. I ran the pixel refresh twice to no avail. Anyone had this situation that they were able...
  34. LiquidDeath

    Health Problems

    If COVID taught us anything it is that doctors are just as susceptible to bullshit programming as anyone else, and it is possibly worse with doctors because they are generally very convinced of their own correctness. My PCP over COVID continually told me to eat low fat and high carb to reduce...
  35. LiquidDeath

    Warhammer 40k

    Only progressive brain-rot could equate modifying lore to make something more bad-ass and awesome to play for your current, niche audience of exclusively men with modifying the foundations of a now-expansive universe at the height of its popularity for political reasons while your audience...
  36. LiquidDeath

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Friday was a good day.
  37. LiquidDeath

    Warhammer 40k

    Hahahahaha. "IP Piracy" Get the fuck out of here with that stupid shit. People are perfectly within their rights to print whatever the fuck they want on their 3D printers as long as they don't sell it. Libertarians are the definition of the midwit meme.
  38. LiquidDeath

    Warhammer 40k

    I regret to inform you that the libertarians are at it again.
  39. LiquidDeath

    Warhammer 40k

    You are talking to a progressive, the literal dumbest type of person on the planet. They legitimately believe that all women can be men and vice versa whenever they want but also that women are oppressed and over-sexualized but also that they are stunning and brave and can do everything a man...