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  1. Grizzlebeard

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Just the glowy stones. Saved me a bunch of deaths on invisible bridges.
  2. Grizzlebeard

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    Really enjoyed this. Probably my favourite series after DS9. Yeah, there’s a shitload of female crew but, they’re mostly easy on the eye and the male cast are solid. Pike, Spock, and special forces Doc.
  3. Grizzlebeard

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    I salute your stance but there’s a world of pain trying to ace those twin night’s cavalry on the consecrated snowfield as an unga bunga.
  4. Grizzlebeard

    Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

    Been a while since I played. Logged in yesterday and sitting at 580 gear. Max at AH seems to be 640. Do I part with a mil and catch up or just wait out the DLC for gray starting gear. I have a boatload of MSQ to catch up on though (Friends for the Road) so gearing up could speed that along.
  5. Grizzlebeard

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Always impressed by people's dedication putting something like that together. Only slight tweak would be you last see Patches outside the boss room in the Shaded Castle and he gives you castinets to pass on to Tanith (that does absolutely zip).
  6. Grizzlebeard

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Can't save him. Can briefly make him happy by giving him the Black Knifeprint and following that questline with Ranni but he always dies before you get to the point of the game where you find Ranni's body and the Curse Mark.
  7. Grizzlebeard

    X-Men '97

    He spent half the season floating around wearing nothing but his underwear and the rest of the time his gear was pretty camp looking.
  8. Grizzlebeard

    X-Men '97

    How did you feel about Magneto being turned into gay men’s jerkbait?
  9. Grizzlebeard

    Doctor Who

    Flute tune gets me every time.
  10. Grizzlebeard

    Doctor Who

    I’m finding this shit unwatchable. I shouldn’t be fast forwarding through Dr Who episodes.
  11. Grizzlebeard

    What happened to..........(FoH Poster)?

    I forgot all about Tad10. Also, how can none of you mention Manessa?
  12. Grizzlebeard

    Doctor Who

    According to statistics it’s just over 3% of the population in the UK and 7% in the US. But, yes, considerably less than represented on mainstream tv.
  13. Grizzlebeard

    Doctor Who

    For context, I’m British. Have two gay brothers in law and a gay nephew and don’t consider myself homophobic. However, the last two episodes of this new Doctor have been rainbow dialled up to 11. Not all gays want to push their message down your throat or behave like raging queens constantly...
  14. Grizzlebeard

    X-Men '97

    I’m assuming this was the season finale. Did a decent job leaving me wanting more. Little disappointed in the lack of resolution with the existing storyline but hey ho.
  15. Grizzlebeard

    Doctor Who

    While listening to Pet Shop Boys?
  16. Grizzlebeard

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    That dungeon with the teleporting chests and imps always throws me as well.
  17. Grizzlebeard

    Furiosa (2024)

    Damnation Alley was all kinds of memorable. Especially the killer cockroaches.
  18. Grizzlebeard

    X-Men '97

    This is darker than DC. So much to come to terms with in this episode.
  19. Grizzlebeard

    Alien: Romulus (2024)

    I’d throw in The Martian Chronicles 80s series in there as well. Remember that screwing with my head as a kid.
  20. Grizzlebeard

    Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

    Multiplayer. It probably lost support when THQ went belly up.
  21. Grizzlebeard

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    Boys from the Blackstuff was an amazing show and the journey of his character was fucking heartbreaking. Real loss.
  22. Grizzlebeard

    Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

    I loved the first game. Playing MP was an absolute blast.
  23. Grizzlebeard

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Nirgon, does this play on a fairly standard machine? I recall how VG played like a pig on most pc’s and Brad tried explaining it away on SV how we all needed 2k rigs.
  24. Grizzlebeard

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Like you say, the rice flour keeps it intact. I’ve generally been averse to frying fish but this is one of those recipes you can’t fuck up if you follow it closely. It’s a great recipe site because the accompanying YouTube clips help clear up any grey areas.
  25. Grizzlebeard

    Alien: Romulus (2024)

    Jesus, I know it’s a prop but my skin is still crawling…
  26. Grizzlebeard

    Gravy's Cooking Thread Made this a few times now. It’s damned delicious!
  27. Grizzlebeard

    Star Trek: Discovery

    Is Anthony Rapp in the last season? Interested to know how he can make accusations against Kevin Spacey, which all but destroyed his career, and were later thrown out of court, and manages to avoid any fallout himself.
  28. Grizzlebeard


    As a child of the 70s in the UK, awesome avatar!
  29. Grizzlebeard

    Who died? (Celebrity Deaths)

    R.I.P. Paul Auster
  30. Grizzlebeard

    X-Men '97

    Solid episode.
  31. Grizzlebeard

    Transformers One (2024)

    I can’t see it on that list but I vaguely remember an episode where Cobra Commander appeared.
  32. Grizzlebeard

    Transformers One (2024)

    My mate had the Soundwave model, understatement to say I was envious.
  33. Grizzlebeard

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Just over 900 hours in this now and I discovered a new area today. Never took the Abductor Virgin route to Volcano Manor before so first time doing the double Virgin fight. This game continues to deliver.
  34. Grizzlebeard

    Star Trek: Discovery

    And he gets to punch Q in the face!
  35. Grizzlebeard

    DC Universe (Batman vs Superman thread).

    And the atrocity that is Justice League: Dark. Mostly how they fucked up John Constantine.
  36. Grizzlebeard


    Finding this a hard watch. The characters just don’t interact like humans, I feel like I’m watching a bunch of soulless lizard people. Also, the location is one of the most colourful and beautiful places in Italy and setting it in black and white, while intending to be artistic, feels muted and...
  37. Grizzlebeard


    He never makes it back in the novel. I assumed it was put in to offer some hope to the audience but left open to interpretation.
  38. Grizzlebeard

    Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

    Missed that. Although Radahn without summons (and not cheesing with the water strat) seems particularly tricky.