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  1. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    in this case, it was more like Brown v. Board of Retardation
  2. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Why would they need to, or want to? Are you somehow under the impression that they'll be driven to your 'podcast' out of a sense of guilt or something?
  3. Erronius

    Lumi's Batshit Insane Thread

    I honestly don't know if he just quit trying, or if he's mellowing with age.
  4. Erronius

    Home Improvement

    It looks like the graphene and ceramic are two different products?
  5. Erronius

    Home Improvement

    For the most part, yes. It's mostly likely to account for inrush currents, which are relatively short lived.
  6. Erronius

    Home Improvement

    I missed all of this. What's wild about those shitty push-in back-stabs, is that most of the time I never bother to push the releases. I got really good at grabbing the device in one hand, the wire in the other, and just aggressively twisting the device back and forth while steadily pulling the...
  7. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Yes, how is donating your money to vaporware any different than paying mandatory taxes that are enforced by law? We're really exploring new ground is this thread.
  8. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    So you're against sending money to Ukraine?
  9. Erronius


  10. Erronius


    This is the #1 Best Shit Thread on the Internet
  11. Erronius


    @Bandwagon God Bless.
  12. Erronius


  13. Erronius

    Gravy's Cooking Thread

    Hey @Soygen here's a little food hack for ya:
  14. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    You know that none of that is JoCo, right? Fuckin' Sox strikes again.
  15. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    So when was the last time you were actually in JoCo?
  16. Erronius

    The Metal Thread

    I've not been posting in a while, so not sure if this is a repost or not. But I'd like to dedicate this to @hodj , who, as a true Southerner, would appreciate this most (LOL)
  17. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    @Regime? @Vanderhoof? Am I high right now? I'm still tripping out over the "Crime is high there like Downtown KC"
  18. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    @Mr. Sox What do you think is going to happen with the stadiums? Think JoCo is going to end up luring them over to the KS side?
  19. Erronius

    MMA Thread

  20. Erronius

    Calling out FOH Historians

    Yeah Curt posted here. And then @Utnayan threatened to drop napalm on his kids or something. Utnayan was right was all a dog and pony show. Fucking Furor LOL
  21. Erronius

    Calling out FOH Historians

    It's not like Shammies ever had "TOP BURST DPS SERVERWIDE" achievements!
  22. Erronius

    On becoming an electrician

    Guess I have a couple of scripts blocked. This was a power plant accident after an outage at Jeffrey Energy Center. AFAIK, a PRV that they had rebuilt blew open, venting superheated steam as they were bringing that unit online. The steam is usually piped away, but the PRV and flange/piping...
  23. Erronius

    Calling out FOH Historians

    OK, Astro...
  24. Erronius

    On becoming an electrician

    The worst in recent memory, in my 'territory' I guess you could say (I was 0% involved) were the two dudes who got cooked by steam in an elevator shaft. Shit is already dangerous enough, without ignoring basic safety shit. RIP
  25. Erronius

    Calling out FOH Historians

    What now? I'm drunk. WTF do I gotta do this time? Give Jerle a post-mortem rimjob? Fuck. Also, WTF is this shit? Christ on a mobility scooter doing a frontside Oprah's Fallopian corkscrew straight into palliative care
  26. Erronius

    On becoming an electrician

    IMHO it really depends on the individual company. I mean, @Sanrith Descartes isn't wrong in any way at all...but the older I get, and the more sites I walk onto, the more I feel like the places that give you shit for complaining about 'working unsafe' are just the kind of companies I'm not...
  27. Erronius

    NHL 2023-2024 Season - Arizona Stays Homeless

    Not NHL but fucking LOL The Kuwaitis got steamrolled by Thailand
  28. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    How much would it cost to get you to move somewhere else?
  29. Erronius

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    Hey guys, hows it going? Is Pantheon rocking yet? How is Mr Soxx? I thought I saw him pushing a shopping cart down around 31st & Paseo a couple weeks ago, but the guy wasn't limping so that may not have been him.
  30. Erronius

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    Doesn't it go to sudden death in SB after each team gets a possession, but only in the event it's tied at that point? So say SF defers, Chiefs could score 7, then SF scores 7, then Chiefs would get first shot in sudden death, was my understanding. So I thought SF was wanting that first shot at...
  31. Erronius

    2023-2024 NFL Season : Arizona's QB Search Continues

    Damnit @Regime I almost forgot to parachute into this thread tonight!
  32. Erronius

    Steam Deals and Digital Sales

    Very NSFW and very WTF Unless you're one of those weird furries or something
  33. Erronius

    AssHat 2023 Voting Round 1

  34. Erronius

    AssHat 2023 Voting Round 1

    So what's the time interval on these rounds? However long it takes your cumsock to dry out and get crusty from your last wank session? This started not even 24hrs ago. You using some weird fucking Hodj clock? Are your hours 47m long? Not even the GOP or the Dems would close polls this early.
  35. Erronius

    AssHat 2023 Voting Round 1

  36. Erronius

    Home Improvement

    I mean, if @Tuco can build a car bumper out of wood, how hard could a shed be?
  37. Erronius

    Home Improvement

    Would that be more for Phillips instead of Straight? I guess that might be better for really small screws, like #4 or #6?
  38. Erronius

    Home Improvement

    Another thing I was thinking about at work...I don't think I've mentioned these in this thread before... I have some old VACO screwdrivers at work. The ones that hold flat tip screws. I have to use a lot of stainless steel hardware (so magnetic tips don't work), sometimes they're in really hard...