yea, this is easier than speed reading, speed reading teaches you to "grab" multiple words at a time, instead of read a line of text word to word, just from left to right ----->. just grab the whole sentence in one go. (your brain will make sense of it)
then in order to increase your speed reading, you want to read multiple lines of text at once, 2 then 3 then 4, pretty soon you're trying to just read a paragraph and all your hoping to do is basically photocopy the paragraph quickly in your mind and digest it while you read grab the next paragraph.
there's also using a "guide" either like your finger or a pen or if you're reading on a computer some flashing cursor. The theory is that your physical eyes are slower than you can process blocks of text, so you have to "make" your eyes follow the words, sorta like a cat and a laser pointer.
unless someone else has tried some other forms of speed reading, this is what i tried and it's tiring and inane, and totally unenjoyable. this software, looks cool.