Mangina Stories_


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
In light of the recent drama involving this board, and Millie before it, it makes me remember the notable manginas I encountered playing EQ and I have to think there must be a lot of these stories.

One was a Necro on Tarew Marr named Aireth or something like that. The only notable thing about him was that he ran a couple of "girls only" chat channels.

There was another one that I am pretty sure was a guy who came up with a crazy rape story as well. "She" claimed to be a lesbian and the partner of another female character on the server. Then after an extended break she came back with a story about how she had been brutally raped and left for dead and now she was pregnant and planning to raise the rapist's child with her lesbian partner. I never got full confirmation that this person or the "partner" were dudes, but I would bet money that they were and that the rape thing was bullshit.

But my favorite was Catasha on the Test server. "She" played a Vah Shir rogue and was pretty good at it. "She also liked to do cute bullshit like "/emote walks around naked" during downtime on raids and flirt with guys in emotes. Don't know if he actually cybered anyone but he would flirt with dudes non-stop. This went on for a good 5 years and I don't think anyone knew, but then he got a crush on a female guild member and I guess was having heart to heart talks with her so he decided to fake the death of his female persona and reinvent himself as her grieving boyfriend.

He made a post on the guild message boards on Catasha's account saying that they had gone horseback riding for her birthday and she had been thrown from the horse and hit her head on a rock and died. Of course the woman that he had been having the heart to heart talks with and several other actual women in the guild were devastated by this and there was a long thread of condolences to the boyfriend and stories about Catasha. One woman in particular said that she was crying for days over this chick.

But then he started talking about how he might start playing her characters "as a tribute" to her. This raised the suspicions of the guild leader who happened to live in the same city as her, so he checked all the local papers obituaries and couldn't find anything that matched up so he posted to the "boyfriend" asking when the funeral would be because he wanted to send some flowers. Of course the guy was all "no need for that, she wouldn't want you to spend money blah blah blah" so the GL sent him a PM and basically said he was full of shit. The guy stuck to his story so the GL asked to see a scan of her death certificate. The guy sent him a hilarious .jpg of a sample of an Arizona death certificate with a gigantic "SAMPLE" watermark on it with her info awkwardly photoshopped into it. Of course the GL then posted this on the guild message boards and immediately kicked Catasha and alts out of the guild. The sympathy thread then turned into a rage thread and the character was never seen on Test again.

Like 3 months later the dude logged into a guild bard's account that he still had the info for. The bard hadn't played in a while but nobody thought anything of it and he came on a raid on Rallos Zek in Plane of Tactics which if you remember is like a 2 hour long script and when RZ was at 1% he ported him back to his bind point and wiped the raid and then declared who he was and basically said fuck you to everyone.

Anybody else got mangina stories or other tales of people making up outrageous lies about their identity on the internet? I feel like there must be thousands of them. After 8 years of EQ my policy was to assume that all female characters were male until some compelling evidence was made to the contrary, but if they played any character other than a cleric or druid AND they didn't suck, then they were definitely a dude. I did know one woman in RL that played a pretty good rogue, but she is the only RL female that played a melee character well that comes to mind.