Recent content by Arterial

  1. Arterial


    Yeah it looks like they will just release episodic content now which i have zero interest in, my guild no longer plays so i rarely log in anymore.
  2. Arterial


    here is my ref link, you get some free stuff Refer a Friend | Star Wars: The Old Republic
  3. Arterial


    Not really the SoR story was very weak imo, you can get the just of it from the first couple of chapters of the KOTFE, story wise its the best in the game imo
  4. Arterial


    its a total waste of time don;'t bother, you get title for a ton a work, and I have the title
  5. Arterial


    Ops coms are changing, Ive been fiddling with WoW while i wait for 4.0 to hit, WoW has so much dam content its silly :P
  6. Arterial


    word on the street is no new raids until July 16,
  7. Arterial


    Credits are pretty useless for the most part in swtor, I spend mine on WZ medpacks, and augment kits. I actually got up to 100mil credits at one point just from WZ's and the odd daily
  8. Arterial


    They cannot on their version of the Hero engine, and they simply do not have the resources to alter it. One of our guildies runs one of the more popular swtor sites and thats what the dev's have told him as recent as last week
  9. Arterial


    There will never be cross server in swtor the engine cannot support it, I suspect they will merge servers in the future, have a east and west, and one for RP, and one for PVP, do away with the RP-PvP. That awesome thing was just a BW employee drunk at a Cantina event :P
  10. Arterial


    Good point, they would have to make the new class start at level 60 and give it a backstory, but it would be totally feasible now i think
  11. Arterial


    yeah they might grumble, but I actually think they should just get rid of those two servers entirely, ranked/regs poping more frequently would outweigh the loss of open world ganking imo
  12. Arterial


    I kinda think they are getting rid of hardline factions, would help address the dwindling population on some servers
  13. Arterial


    I just want them to figure out what kind of MMO they want to be, they have gone off course too many times. Conquest/Space PvP are liked by some but overall the experience sucked. They just need to focus on what they do well, Story/Raids/PvP I do like the stronghold thing its low maintenance...
  14. Arterial


    Sorcs are great, story is pretty decent. Run lighting, it rules
  15. Arterial


    Yeah, but they are really good at all their roles, they put up some big numbers in the heal/dps department. They can be a pain to kill providing they take the right talents, stun bubble and force speed immunity can make them a bit harder to kill