Recent content by Azzikai_foh

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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I almost convinced myself this was simply a gigantically elaborate troll. I mean, Ut is a goon, it wouldn"t be totally out of character to just go off the fucking deep end solely to see how many people he could take with him. But these past few pages, goddamn, there"s commitment and then there"s...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    /agree Ages ago when I was playing a Shaman in EQ I went on a fear raid. Even though I was still quite a few steps away from it, I was able to loot the tear I would need later. Same for my Rogue, I pickpocketed the notes before I even started it. I did my Hate trip shortly thereafter. My...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Nope, that isn"t what I want at all. If I have a quest journal I want it to have notes on actual quests. Not a list of "Bob the grocer likes bear meat, get him 5". That sort of shit should be more dynamic, for lack of a better term. I kill a bear. I get a nice fluffy pelt from it. Someone...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I won"t speak for him but I agree with him. When I play WoW on a lowbie I feel like I"m doing a list of chores or something. Kill 5 bears? Check. Pick up 7 tree branches? Check. Then I run back to the quest dispenser machine and wait for my reward pellet. It feels completely and utterly...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I am not now and never was "hard core". I"m about as middle of the road as you can get when it comes to these games. I still prefer harsher death penalties. Take EQ, I liked that you could lose your corpse. It meant that you were not going to be wandering off to places completely above your...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Death mechanics really depend on the overall gaming world and what you are trying to accomplish with the death penalty. What is your leveling curve like? How are you granting abilities? Is everything available all at once or are you forced into chosing things based on what you think your...