Recent content by Bzalthek_sl

  1. B

    Project Gorgon, round 2.

    This game is a great scratch to my old school itch. Marna and I are soul mates. I keep finding new skills every time I trip over a rock. I spend so much time trying to find people to buy my crap, and I spend all my money on crap people already sold them. It's really been an enjoyable experience!
  2. B

    Project Gorgon, round 2.

    It really scratches that old school itch. I really like the NPC system where you find em, talk to em to milk them for info, give gifts, do favors, or just hangout offline to increase favor and unlock more. I lost over an hour just checking it out.
  3. B

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Could not unsee. Spreading the 'wealth'.
  4. B

    Neo's Land

    Oh, wow. That's a lot sooner than I would have thought! I am now even more interested.
  5. B

    Neo's Land

    The mining reminds me of a faster, prettier version of Wurm Online. Did they mention when they project to be completed? I didn't see a mention in the KS page.
  6. B

    EQ Never

    I don't think we can rule out Innoruuk just yet, can we? We know dark elves are in the game, they were supposedly changed by Innoruuk in the previous lore, and that ebook leaves off with the Tier'dal stranded on the Plane of Hate. From all I can tell, the 8 seraphs have a new toy (Norrath)...
  7. B

    EQ Never

    Because he's trying to be cool like Qwerty and Rolx, but that's the only pony in his stable.
  8. B

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I know what you mean. And don't get me started on those book things.
  9. B

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    They're called Offensive Wallpapers I'm pretty sure. You can google search to find more but here's a large collection at imgur:
  10. B

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Stop using the division symbol. This isn't grade school anymore. It's like eating paste.
  11. B

    Great Audiobooks

    Agreed. James Marsters did an absolutely fantastic job.