Recent content by Cigano_sl

  1. C

    The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread

    Back on topic! Just found out today that my wife of 5 years is cheating on me yet AGAIN. Heres the story: We met at a restaraunt we both worked at when i was 16 years old, we just hit it off super good right away. We did it the right way too, became friends, best friends...
  2. C

    Django Unchained

    Great movie, Christoph Waltz is a monster and it's good that he's starting to get noticed for his talent. One of the only actors i can watch just because of his skill set. I also heard that Django's role was made for Will Smith however he declined the role so they picked up Jamie Foxx, bravo...
  3. C

    MMA Thread

    I couldn't get enough of Rampage in Pride and early UFC. But the dude just started to fight for extra cash in his pocket. Glad to see him gone from the UFC. Anyone else see the article on how close Dana was to signing a Brock vs Fedor fight? Tired of HEARING about all these super fights but...
  4. C

    EQ Never

    That Freeport construction on Minecraft is legit. I for one would love to have an everquest1 experience however we all know that is impossible. But would i would really love to see in the game is risk versus reward. No maps to stare at to immerse yourself. Also love the idea i have read...
  5. C

    Vanguard - I don't give a fuck if it's dead, It's still brown as fuck (Download link in 1st post)

    I for one LOVE this game. The classes all play unique, the exploration, quests. Has anyone gotten the skeleton illusion clicky and clicked it in that church ruins to spawn the little lore? Sends you to some manor in which you can enter a mirror however the dungeon was never finished=(. One...
  6. C

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    Has there been any release date on the pvp patch? Tried to get back into the game, played it for about 3 hours and couldn't do it. Just don't see any motivation to play it if i can't kill anyone=/