Recent content by dechire

  1. dechire

    Blood Machines (2019)

    I saw this at Fantastic Fest this year. They need a good script writer and they would be off to the races. Think Heavy Metal live action. Soundtrack is good too.
  2. dechire

    Lurkers and occasional posters unite!

    HI, I rolled over here from Steel Warrior at some point to the original iteration of this site i think. I have stolen hundreds of wallpapers, wondered why hot naked girls are in the "funny, strange, random pics" for years.
  3. dechire

    Post your battlestation 2019

    I work from home so I invested in a standing desk it's awesome. My wife's computer is on the other side, she doesn't work from home so she's on her own!
  4. dechire

    Whats rustling your jimmies?

    That sometimes the Bluetooth antenna is the same as the wireless antenna. Sometimes you pack this up because you think you don't need it. Days later you realize you need that antenna for your headphones but you don't recall where the antenna got packed.
  5. dechire

    The Division 2

    This probably only happens to me but... In some games at certain points usually because of character modifications everything gets harder. I swapped out one of my guns and now I cant complete either of two side quests or just about every "activity" I try. Typically this is because my brain...
  6. dechire

    The Division 2

    I can't say im pleased with this brick wall at level 7.95 i just slammed into. I am not sure exactly what the problem is.
  7. dechire

    The Order

    I want to be super clear here, its not as good as The Magicians and it falters a lot. and @shakeyjake, yeah the first five seasons are primo seasons of Supernatural, i just like the cast well enough to suffer through a lot of mediocre shit to get to the good stuff. I tend to watch(listen) a lot...
  8. dechire

    The Order

    So i'm not going to read any replies above so as not to bias my own thoughts. First and foremost I like this stupid show. I think I have one more episode to watch and then it's over. I've enjoyed my time and it certainly gets better as the season proceeds, but its got some rough spots. Still...
  9. dechire

    Apex Legends new free to play battle royale game from Respawn

    I am pretty sure this is the pinnacle of my BR career and I think i was bleeding out at the time.
  10. dechire

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I mean fuck dude i'm still trying to figure out why we have all these naked girls in this thread instead of the pretty girls thread.
  11. dechire

    SpyParty (beta) - Practice your skills of perception and deception

    God now I want to play No One Lives Forever.
  12. dechire

    How much real money have MMOs made you?

    Almost 400k spread out over 8 years, kind of a shame it also included 40 work weeks and a daily commute of about an hour.
  13. dechire

    Escape Room (2019)

    Man that is one very wealthy serial killer.
  14. dechire

    The Haunting of Hill House

    Just about everything i wanted from it. Also this is fun The Ghosts You Missed In The Haunting Of Hill House I wish the pictures would enlarge without having to open them in a new tab.