Recent content by Disabled

  1. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Nice! Congratz man. Yeah I think we are PSN friends but just haven't gamed together before. Anything else specific you're looking for?
  2. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    I got the boots and some other stuff if you want to trade for the FotF. I've been rifting since release and haven't seen one drop yet :/. Although I did get a BoP two days ago...
  3. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    I sent you a PM.
  4. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    I believe it's if a lower level is in the game, no matter if the lower level joined the higher level's game or vice versa. Ithinkit's if the level discrepancy is higher than 3, that is where the Apprentice Mode kicks in. I also believe that Paragon levels are not applied (e.g. a level 40 will...
  5. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    The pre-order stuff really wasn't that worth it. I had the impression that they scaled with your level, but they're just level 1 gear that is outdated after level 20 anyways.
  6. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Devlin was thorough as shit with that list. Added to the OP. GJ! Btw, I'm about paragon 70~ and am starting to do some rifts in T2. If you guys are rifting and need an extra crusader to tank and shit, let me know.
  7. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    How is Diablo on Vita? It seems like it would be a great game to play on. I also add the list to the OP so that people don't have to scroll around for it. Give me a couple min.
  8. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Although I haven't rolled a caster yet, I've made a DH and aiming is a bit difficult to get used to. Although the dodging/rolling mechanic is cool, I find myself hardly using it because of how it's mapped onto the right analog stick. I'd much rather have an aiming function there and it'd be much...
  9. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Are they always legendary drops or can other stuff drop too? I agree with the crafting shit. I haven't found anything worth crafting myself. On a related note, I'm getting upgrades for my gear every other level just by questing so that's good too.
  10. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Has anyone actually killed a Nemesis yet? It seems like once you get them to half health, they just do a shit ton of damage and then I die :\
  11. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Yeah I tried it with my girlfriend starting a new character. It actually works pretty well and doesn't make them scaletoomuch, but not too little either. Definitely nice if you or your friends want to continue to level separately, but also want to join up later to help each other catch up quest...
  12. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Yeah, I accidentally tied it to my other PSN account. Works now!
  13. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Edit: nvm. I'm dumb.
  14. D

    Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition

    Just got the game and added everyone that posted their PSN. I started with a DH and aiming is a little difficult. I'll probably get used to it after a couple levels though.