Recent content by Dr Ent_sl

  1. D

    League Of Legends

    I would add Krepo as new rumored Support with Lemon going to Coaching for C9.
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    League Of Legends

    Any more keys available for Curse? Me and 2 friends would love to try it out.
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    League Of Legends

    Played a seed game for my ranked 5's team last night during the DDoS. Lost one game and it gave us a win.. Not complaining.
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    League Of Legends

    So got placed bronze 2 after going 4-6. Was really a bad idea to duo 3 of those with a friend that is in Bronze 5 DONT DO IT.. At least I was highest MMR each time and got to ban.. Anyone else in this position? Hit me up at Doctor Propane. Must climb out of Bronze..
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    League Of Legends

    I've never played rank and am about to lvl 30. Should I wait for a while until everyone else requalifies? Or would I be better off just diving in?
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    League Of Legends

    Malph support is annoying to play against as a Thresh main.
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    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    Made a BL named Hank. Will be on this evening if anyone wants to group up.
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    Kildrukaun's Prophecy - Progression server

    I'm the same way. On the fence about joining. Never boxed before and not really interested in multitasking like that.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    the music is the best part of the game so far
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    What gun are you using Grumpus? I was using the SAR on the PC and was getting similar misses in some games.
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    If anyone is down for some teamwork squad play on PC, hit me up Doctor-Propane
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    What servers is everyone playing on mostly? I've been on the Reddit Conquest servers mostly, but I would really like to play with people that actually work together.
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    Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)

    Anyone else getting weird colorization / blur every few seconds on PC? Giving me a headache..
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    Guild Wars 2

    Does anyone know if the Tower Jump Puzzle is back for this Halloween? That was a lot of fun last time.