Recent content by Drinn_foh

  1. D

    Who has top single person burst dps server-wide****p?id=53400 "As a part of this change, the account bans related to the use of third-party EverQuest windowing applications have already been reversed." This pretty much says to me that they are now allowing use of 3rd party programs to window EQ...
  2. D

    Who has top single person burst dps server-wide

    my bad, my friend has a nice laptop by them. regardless, you could"ve gotten 10 machines 1/2 as good for that price, so the fact you ran 10 accounts on 5 computers instead of 10 doesn"t really matter, which is the point I was trying to make
  3. D

    Who has top single person burst dps server-wide

    Hey dipshit, EQW doesn"t modify the software to change game play, it just lets you run two accounts of EQ off of the same computer, that doesn"t change gameplay at all. The gameplay is the same while using eqw. It modifies how the game is run by your pc, not how the game itself plays. Seeing as...
  4. D

    Who has top single person burst dps server-wide

    is perfectly fair. Not his fault he can run twice the accts on the same number of machines. Using 3rd party windowing programs is not a violation of the EULA (anymore) so I think you"re just kinda bullshitting rules as you go so you can try to feel better about getting beaten.
  5. D

    Who has top single person burst dps server-wide

    Ummm, I see fot7 and hov in your buff window, the "that"s not really soloing" nazis are gonna say you cheated. however, Sam did just get pwned