Recent content by Dryst_sl

  1. D

    The Tattoo Thread

    Do you guys have any experience with laser tattoo removal? I got a shitty tribal tattoo when I was 18 that I cannot fucking stand now 10 years later. Sadly, it was done by a professional, it has barely faded over 10 years. Now i'm debating on either laser tattoo removal or getting a better cover...
  2. D

    Guild Wars 2

    So, I quit GW2 a couple of months after release. I got extremely bored once I hit 80 with the lack of loot. I'm interested in the new content, i'm not sure if it can hold my attention though if there still isn't that feeling of loot progression. Has this changed at all, or is it pretty much the...
  3. D

    Your Own Photography

    Explain the first pic, how in the world do they park/move those cars?
  4. D

    Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls

    I came back 3 weeks ago, haven't played since 1.03, all classes were 60 before I quit. I didn't think I would ever play again when I quit a few months ago, but man is the game fun again. Now my biggest problem is sticking to a single class for Paragon leveling. If you come back and are broke...