Recent content by Dudelander_sl

  1. D

    Pathfinder Online

    There's a newblog postup about crafting. And a new video interview: If this game is remotely playable I'll defiantly subscribe.
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    I think that's the exact opposite reason why the genre is stale. SWTOR, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, and everything else post WoW has come out with polished leveling treadmills and endgames that range from bad to nonexistent. The problem with the genera is that devs treat MMOs like they're...
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    Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion

    The thing that makes me think Wildstar might be different than the other post-WoW MMO lineup is the simple fact that the devs aren't ashamed of their game. SWTOR, Rift, Champions Online, and even Guild Wars all seemed to work really hard keeping everything secret. When there was a tiny bit of...
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    The Elder Scrolls Online

    I agree with you regarding L2 and old EQ. Never Played TERA. In the middle game Aion gets pretty bad, but it's less grindy in the beginning. Present day EQ is WAY less grindy than GW2. As to wether or not AoC is more grindy than GW2, I suppose it depends on your opinion on public quests...
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    Neverwinter: PC

    I played for a few of hours today, and I have to say I'm not that impressed. My expectations were low, and I pretty much got what I expected. The graphics are fair, and the animations are terrible - but this is definitely not a deal breaker for me. What really bugged me was the gameplay...
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    Pathfinder Online

    They have a simple demo of the engine they'll be using. You can find ithereif you're interested. There's not a lot there in terms of graphics, but I doubt people who are interested in this PO care that much. I was kind of impressed with the size and detail of the dungeon given that it's only...
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    Pathfinder Online

    I don't think what they're trying to do it that far reaching. If they were going for a wow-styled game with quests, raids, and instances then I would agree with you. But it sounds like they're basically shooting for an EVE-style economy sim. A content lite, player driven MMO seems like a...