Recent content by EternusPrime_sl

  1. E

    Destiny - Gamertags

    Ps4 - gamer tag Eternusprime
  2. E


    I will buy a ps4 for this game
  3. E

    Pathfinder - Pen and Paper RPG Books

    I have played nearly every system out there, that being said i must also admit to preferring min/max play. Pathfinder runs a cleaner balance than 3.5 and is my current preferred system. 4e is a reset its fun to play if you can multitask and coordinate well within group otherwise DM kills...
  4. E

    Dresden Files

    For those who require a taste of skin game the YouTube video of him reading the first 4 chapters isn't great but it is mostly audible. Personally I liked ghost story, it was a pacing reset like moving from minor to major leagues. I have Storm Front to Changes on one bookshelf and Ghost Story and...
  5. E

    All things Brandon Sanderson

    Finished it myself, the lack of trust by Kaladin was understandable but a little overdone. Last third of the book kept me up all night as I couldn't put it down.
  6. E

    The King Henry Tapes (By Me!)

    I love this series, the humor is fantastic managed to addict 2 of my friends thus far