Recent content by Flanders_foh

  1. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I want to make a comment on the question of the "One feature that pisses you off the most". Albeit not a feature, the biggest thing far and away that has pissed off most gamers the past 10 years hasn"t been bugs. Bugs, stopgaps, timesinks etc are all hot button issues, but not the main thing...
  2. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    First and foremost. Please don"t ever leave Boston. Please. But on the off-chance you leave and sign with the Devil, George Steinbrener. Your picture will have go on my cubicle wall with Johnny Damon and his ilk, in the hall of shame section. Clemens and Schilling = Boston World Series win...
  3. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    He only replied to me becuase I brought up the 2004 season.
  4. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Finally got you talk about the Sox ic. We"ll see how it pans out with D-Mat. I hate to be a typical overly-cynical Red Sox fan, but I"ve learned how to have good expectations for Boston. Taken some lumps in the past. There was that one year though. =p Anyway, is there anyway we can see some...
  5. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Finally someone talking about something important. Tell Francona to ignore the doctors and put Papelbon back in as closer. That kid is a sick closer.