Recent content by Fythis_foh

  1. F

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Not really worthy of a new thread, so this one matches the closest. Ex-wife is marrying some barely-employed douchebag in her mom"s back yard next month on the 16th. Need some present/entertainment ideas. Nothing strictly vulgar and insulting, like calling her a whore/bitch/whatever, just wildly...
  2. F

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Damn you for making sense!
  3. F

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Heh, yeah, that thread made me die a little bit inside. Only thing is that I essentially get one shot at something funny, but not so awful that it screws me over in the divorce. That"s why I was thinking Scarlet Letter. If I go replacing them with tubgirl or lemonparty, or her own personal...
  4. F

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    So, come to find out she"s been continuing to use my FTP space to host images for her MySpace or Facebook or whatever. Just random crap. What should I replace the images with? I was thinking just a big red "A" on a black background. Subtle yet appropriate. Figured maybe one of her literate...
  5. F

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Spring break sounds about right for the time she"d have been out partying. Places like Magnolia"s, Scandals, Barley"s, Wild Wings, Scully"s, Smokey"s, Hookah Joe"s. Basically anywhere downtown that served beer. God damn I"m a creepy looking dude in that picture...
  6. F

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Probably not... She"s currently sleeping with some Israeli dude here in Asheville.
  7. F

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    heh, I"ll find some good ones. If you look back I"ve posted some of her and her sister before.
  8. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Don"t I know it... You kept on dotting my mezzes, you bastard!
  9. F

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Good luck in your surgery on Monday, Curt. Or, depending on when you read this, glad things went well. Even if your pitching days are done, it was a hell of a last start, and a great career before it.
  10. F

    Yahoo live epic fun

    Bah, just a midriff...