Recent content by Gherant Argonne_foh

  1. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Chaotic, Enjoy the gratuitous fun (I"m sure we will enjoy the pics.). When you"re for real ready to move on, I suggest taking two vacations. Vacation one: reconnect with your old friends and family. It will help you to figure out what"s really important in life Vacation two: Go...
  2. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Fair enough. Over-analyzing, maybe. I think the point is, Chaotic will almost certainly never know why she is doing what she"s doing. People are weird sometimes and the subconscious mind/repressed feelings can often make for more abnormal behavior. I agree with you that moving on is the best...
  3. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Chaotic, I feel for you man. I"ve been in a very similar situation, dated a girl for six months, told her how I felt and she walked shortly thereafter. She was far and away the best girl I had ever dated, had me thinking wedding bells, etc. I was a bartender at the time we dated. To...
  4. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Lol, roger that!
  5. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Fellow FoH"ers, I recently registered on OKCupid. I found a profile of a girl I like and initiated conversation. Things were going well but the conversation died off. See below: You had me at "Tool". I am willing to forgive your Green Bay Fandom, however. Mostly because you are drinking...
  6. G

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    Also voted for Beauback Mountain.
  7. G

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    Voted. Tasha 55.6 Brooke 44.4 I wonder how big the self-esteem implosion is going to be for Brooke when she is defeated by an aesthetically inferior chick 8)
  8. G

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I wonder what the chances are - since the girl plays WoW - that she reads these boards and will find out anyway...