Recent content by Gooch_sl

  1. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Dead lady corpses and the like.
  2. G

    Suge Knight Charged with Murder

    Thought the title read 'Sophia' Knight Charged with Murder. Can't pose nude for porn sites from jail!
  3. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    I dig her friend though.
  4. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    My GF just found this out after many a shower on me and now she's a little self conscience about it. It honestly doesn't bother me except for the pain in the ass clean up, which is a joy if it's in the living room or anywhere carpeted.
  5. G

    Help with my HDMI audio from Laptop to TV.

    No. One of the recent updates must have deleted my HDMI driver. Wasn't even showing in my Sound window list to make a default when hooking up to tv.
  6. G

    Help with my HDMI audio from Laptop to TV.

    can delete this thread. Someone figured out the problem i had.
  7. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    On a side note, if you press the letter, "S" whilst perusing her foot fetish website you get a handy graph the likes of one Cleveland born jerk off.
  8. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    She's a rookie. I make good money and every so often indulge in the dusties. It's a once in a while drug. It is fun when you want to party hard till 6 am. If you feel the need to do that every day you suck at drugs. Still would bang for the fame.
  9. G

    And now for something completely different

    Lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.
  10. G

    Robin Williams dead at 63...

    I was bummed to hear he died. I was even more bummed when I heard how. Fucking sucks man. Guy has made some awesome movies and one of the funniest comedians. To see someone that awesome go like that is just plain awful. Even though he catered to comedy, his role in Good Will Hunting was...
  11. G

    Favorite Porn Star?

    yep Tori Black
  12. G

    What tickles your pickle

    The women that walk past the construction site wearing their Summer dresses, short-shorts and Lululemons. I fucking love Summer.
  13. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    And Malena Morgan retired And Justice for Anthony! Even that second tweet sums up what the media does when you do indeed address a known problem everyone is afraid to talk about.
  14. G

    First World Problems

    I can't find the cube attachment for my Iphone 5 charger so now I have to plug the USB cable into my laptop. Fucking Apple.
  15. G

    The Video Thread

    Straight to the feels....