Recent content by Great Ogre Dictator

  1. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images You can use this to try and find the artist or medium.
  2. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

    I used (low poly render) in the prompt. The stronger you make that prompt, the more pointy things get.
  3. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

    Put more time into this than I was planning.
  4. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

    I was more interested in doing seasonal prompting, but after reading that thread, I needed some mind bleach.
  5. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  6. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  7. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  8. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  9. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  10. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

    I think I had moved to Webui Forge by that point. Most of the heavy lifting for it was done by the ClassipeintXL lora, and I think I was using the Juggernaut XL V9 Lightning 4S checkpoint. That is a great lora for the paint style, but it has a problem with fantasy races - or at least fantasy...
  11. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  12. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  13. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  14. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images

  15. Great Ogre Dictator

    AI images