Recent content by Grebnev_sl

  1. G

    Dawngate - MOBA from Waystone

    Economy nodes with workers sounds pretty cool - adds another layer of harass to the gameplay, and provides concrete rewards for holding territory. Aesthetic looks very generic (the LOL is strong with this one). Title too - I can't believe people still choose titles as awful with this one when...
  2. G

    Shards of Dalaya

    You don't want to use the regular patcher, just install titanium then use SOD's. Make sure to untick 'run patch program' when EWQ starts after running the SOD patcher.
  3. G

    Shards of Dalaya

    Try using eqplaynice from Should also solve issues with people levitating too quickly and mouselook being wonky. edit: also be sure to run EQPN as administrator
  4. G

    Shards of Dalaya

    +1 to this. Only thing I can't relate with is the devs/admins, as I haven't had any encounters with them. Most players don't need to worry about it. I haven't played on here in a while, but I think this is a great server for people to try if they've never played classic EQ, but always...