Recent content by grimshaw_sl

  1. G

    Azrayne's drug geek thread

    This is just a by the by comment. I work in an ICU, we have access to ativan, midazolam, dexmedetomidine, fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone just off the top of my head. I'll be honest, never been curious to retain any of the waste syringes or anything. But then I've never smoked (tobacco or...
  2. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    God damnit. All this time and Sheeva turns out to be a fucking hermaphrodite.
  3. G

    Success Kid - Stories of Trivial Triumphs

    We have sandwich bread and toast bread. My bad for saying frozen 'toast' for all those bread purists out there.
  4. G

    Success Kid - Stories of Trivial Triumphs

    Separated two pieces of frozen bread without either one snapping into a useless triangle tragedy. Peanut butter toast success.
  5. G

    Raid on ThePiratebay, servers seized, IP's blocked by Swedish government.

    Anyone got an IPT invite they could throw my way?
  6. G

    Robin Williams dead at 63...

    My childhood is literally dying piece by piece. RIP man.
  7. G

    The Galactic Cap Condom: Do you trust it?

    The galactic is not about STI prevention, purely pregnancy control. You can still get all sorts of nasty shit from just covering the tip. Unless you play 'just the tip', but then you're a fucking loser anyway if you can only play tippy and you deserve the herp for your efforts. I think it's...
  8. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Oh my fuck those are sweet. Love that manga. Love the mashup.
  9. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

  10. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Send it back to hell.
  11. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Just wait until they get breaking bad. Those aliens are gonna be hanging out every week.
  12. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Photoshooped pooper
  13. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    Where's the dick hiding Fedor?
  14. G

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    + 1 for the lulz