Recent content by Happytrees_sl

  1. H

    WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream

    The Alliance has more players than the Horde does from what I understand, shouldn't be impossible or even difficult to find instance groups Ally side.
  2. H

    WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream

    Been playing for 3 days now and it is AWESOME. Rolled an Orc Hunter and am now level 15, having a blast, it feels so much like vanilla wow. There is actual community, and communication. I've made atleast 2 dozen friends since starting playing, and am rarely solo'ing (maybe 10% of the time). SO...
  3. H

    WoW Vanilla Emu - Emerald Dream

    What's up guys, it's Happytrees from Red99 if anyone here knows me. Just rolled on this server, my name is Happytrees in game, Horde side, if anyone wants to group up ever.