Recent content by HappyValleyGirl_sl

  1. H

    Horror Movie Suggestion/Discussion Thread

    Cabin in the Woods was a tongue in cheek take on horror. I have been a major horror fan since adolescence, but lately, I feel like the movies are more torture porn or cheap scares. Anyone have a take on any recent movies worth checking out?
  2. H

    World War Z

    I think if you look at the movie as a separate entity and not in comparison to the book, it may hold up. I am more concerned that they had to re shoot the ending along with other parts of the film. That generally spells disaster.
  3. H

    All Stephen King Books

    Under the Dome was complete shit. I powered through that book which I have never had to do with a King book before. I thought Duma Key was pretty decent as far as recent stuff goes. But my favorite book of all time is and always will be The Stand
  4. H


    Stopped watching this show after the first season. Worth tuning back in for the second season?
  5. H

    Survivor 26: Caramoan

    "If you want to fight, go to Iraq or Afghanistan"- he has a point...