Recent content by imready2go_foh

  1. I

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Yes, please! Assuming you don"t mean to imply I"ll be motivated to level up so I can upgrade to "Swing Sword II" from "Swing Sword I", then I"m in total agreement. While it"s fine if certain skills are shared by several/all classes (i.e, Sense Heading or other generic stuff), it absolutely...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Heh, I remember years ago when I was working for the DoD during Desert Storm, people at my agency were busting 16-hour days for months. We did the work because it was important, but we figured in the end there would be ... something, some nice reward of some kind, you know? And there was - for...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    As in, evenlessforthcoming with info? Opposite direction? What is the opposite of zero? I understand you don"t want to overhype your product, but there comes a point when you gotta let people know you actually might have a product to deliver. Otherwise, you"re begging for someone to start the...
  4. I

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    You said she hinted that she wants to titty fuck, right? No AIDs that way! Head for the hills and give her a pearl necklace or a nice facial. Sounds like she"d like that.
  5. I

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Shilling hasn"t looked that skinny since he was an Oriole! (Curse you, Glen Davis, curse you to hell.) And why do we have to hear "we won"t release until it"s ready" for the billionth time when we all know it"s a lie? Games aren"t released when they"re ready - they"re released when the...
  6. I

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    They both could have come directly out of a Disney film. But there"s often so little connection between concept art and actual game graphics, it"s impossible to predict what direction they"re taking at this point. We need some real graphics, some screenies of landscapes or characters, hell...