Recent content by Jhoanna_sl

  1. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    I've tested the server extensively and I am more then satisfied. Free product with a great support staff. My level 40's are enjoying everything they should. I was in chat while Barthorn, a raiding guild leader negotiated some issues with Kegz. Both of them were satisfied with the result and...
  2. J

    EQ Classic? Not really.

    Would be nice to see some progress for a change
  3. J

    EQ Classic? Not really.

    "kegz/toop is a faggot" Lets expound upon this intellectual gem you've bestowed on the world! Seriously, how could anyone take this troll fest seriously? I can't imagine why you are so cranky! And to the nutcase that is claiming i'm being mindcontrolled by Kegz, has if ever occurred to...
  4. J

    EQ Classic? Not really.

    Kegz IS doing a bang-up job. The server is awesome. And Kegz is the only open source developer for classic EQ out there. Everything he does is published for free to everyone. How could someone attack that? Must be trollin.
  5. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    Open source coding means its free for everyone to use and distribute, so there is no drawback to this server whatsoever; only benefits. If you don't like it, don't play it, but regardless of whether you do, it will still contribute to the larger goal of getting Classic EQ available for people...
  6. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    Boxing is always just an option, and I only do it when I need too; when there is enough people to accomplish a certain goal available, there's not really much of a point to bothering with another box. And the rules will be followed because they are strictly enforced. Once when I played at my...
  7. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    Im saying zerging will still require large sums of people. Its not like four people can pilot 15 characters on this server. And there are still limitations to boxing-- no one will ever be able to effectively box with a bard and another active character. You can only divide your attention so...
  8. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    This game is greatly improved by being able to two box because it adds a lot to self-reliance and autonomy. Since the population isn't yet the size of a live server, normal things like ports, CRs and rezzes are all greatly helped by the ability to two box. But you still need the social...
  9. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    This was exactly my experience and that's why I joined Toop's guild years ago in p99. He and I became great friends and I saw him usher in so many dozens of newbies, myself included into a great atmosphere and a fun-oriented guild. Everyone that remembers him remembers him this way-- the kind...
  10. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    That's exactly what happened with me. I played every day for hours, and then they banned my guild leader out of spite and tried to get me to download essentially a virus. All of my friends stopped playing after that patch. I removed P99 from my computer that day and have not been back since...
  11. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    If you are referring to the OOCs and shouts after Toop was banned, Rogean RECREATED a character named Toop and shouted ridiculous things in EC tunnel just to try and besmirch him. One things is for sure, no one will ever be tarred and feathered for fun in The Sleeper. Toop doesn't have time to...
  12. J

    EQ - The Sleeper

    The Sleeper Server is fantastic, and definitely worth checking out if you are looking for a user friendly, classic content EQ server. I have been playing on it for months and I am working really hard with the development team to fix bugs, test zones, troubleshoot, but most importantly to have...