Recent content by kismet_sl

  1. K

    EVE Online

    Hahaha, why should we have to change? You people and your serious business mindset. We are here for fun. We do not care about sov. We only own sov because no one else wants it. However, that we are taking a couple systems a week in destroyers and bombers is hilarious. It is proof that...
  2. K

    EVE Online

    Yes, everyone has an alt in Brave. Open recruitment, just send in an app and log in for fun. Spais welcome. No, Brave has always been independant of null politics. I suspect we are going to be our own power bloc. If we were going to pick a side it would have happened already. Fear the blob...
  3. K

    EVE Online

    I run around in HERO as part of the sub cap blob. I do not know anything about Eve null politics. But, HERO seems to be fighting -a- who are being carried heavily by goons (euro goons and freedom squad i think) as well as Proviblock. When goons come on the field we sometimes see a temp blue...
  4. K

    EVE Online

    The official Eve twitter is reporting 59-16 titan score this morning (Twitter / EveOnline: Still digesting numbers from ...). As in 59 titans lost for PL/N3 and 16 lost for CFC/RUS/etc. That is not even counting all the 100s of dreads/carriers, all the subcaps, and handful of supercarriers...
  5. K

    EVE Online

    You should try to do all the tutorials to get a base line exposure to all the game types available. BNI is part of an alliance that has a sister corporation for just about everything (except faction warfare). Any idea what aspect of Eve you would like to try out? Eve tends to reward...
  6. K

    EVE Online

    Been in BNI since the early days and even did a recent stint on the leadership council. Believe me when I say BNI definitely does not care about killboards, we've never used pap links, there are no required time commitments, and dying in a blaze of glory is how we roll. The downside is we can...
  7. K

    EVE Online

    +1 for Brave Newbies. Good place to pewpew and learn the ropes. Very alt and trial friendly too. As far as Null fights go things are pretty quiet. Fountain war is over. Providence civil war ended quickly. A land grab by smaller entities is about to start in Delve as TEST leaves for low...
  8. K

    EVE Online

    Character creation has been made very simple and mostly aesthetic now. My advice is to join a corp and get into PvP immediately. There are several newbie friendly ones out there (I am biased towards Brave Newbies Inc). That corp will have a training plan for new pilots so you can get into...
  9. K

    EVE Online

    Do all the tutorials. They will give you several ships and skillbooks for free. You are probably not ready to fly anything more shiny. Everyone can play the game as they please, but if your game time is primarily spent shooting space rocks to farm a ficiticous currency... it is no wonder you...
  10. K

    EVE Online

    1000 Rifter - Nyx kill event was good fun. They should just call it "Fight of all the rifters" rather than "Flight of a 1000 rifters". The system was stable without Tidi at around 1600-1800 people. But once the shooting really started it got slow as more and more fleets showed up. By then...
  11. K

    EVE Online

    Make sure you have all the racial frigates to 4 and racial crusiers to 3 as well. If not then you will not get full credit when the skill switch happens. Getting Destroyers to 5 is a good idea too if you can squeeze it in before June 4th.
  12. K

    EVE Online

    I am a low sec dweller but i frequently head into null sec for roams looking for something to do. Null is usually vast, empty of players, and boring (think of swimming a couple hundred miles off shore, very little actual life, occasional shark). The major big power blocs are just sitting on...
  13. K

    EVE Online

    Just about every big corp has a newbie program, although some corps are a little paranoid about spys and have complicated applications. If your just looking to learn pvp mechanics in cheap ships... Open the people and places menu search by corp for Brave Newbies Inc. Send in an app and move...
  14. K

    EVE Online

    Been lurking this thread here and on the other boards since the first great war ages ago. Tried a trial back then, but found the game more interesting to read about than play. Fast forward to now, decided to try another free trial after reading about the battle of Asakai back at the end of Jan...