Recent content by Macktaracktor_sl

  1. M

    Funny, Strange, Random Pics

    The FF7 one... classic
  2. M


    Dont.... Wizard Beard it up.... Or in my case... Norse God Beard
  3. M

    Computer Chairs

    Go into the computer labs at your local collage campus and steal one... if anyone asks what you are doing... say you are borrowing it for a student film project... its how i have mine!
  4. M


    Fill a Sleeping bag full of your cloths.... best pillow... and you can always just run out the door if your box is on fire... i mean house... i live in a house!
  5. M

    Coffee thread

    I drink Coffee the only manly way.... i put hot water in my mouth and Coffee Grounds... and just shake my head...
  6. M


    Fish and Chips! Chip shops are a good place just to people watch... alot are like Dive Bars in the states.... Just watch out... they fry there fish in Beef Broth