Recent content by MorinkhanMT_foh

  1. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Heya man, it"s been a couple days... how things goin? Stayin strong?
  2. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    She"s going to know as soon as her statement shows up and there"s no charge from the restaurant. I guess you could push the lie, "wow they must have screwed up and not charged", but if you like her, you really want to start off the relationship lying just to maintain your ego? Especially about...
  3. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    When I was dating, I used to go the neck/ear nibble route pretty regularly and it worked great, sometimes turning em on way more than you"d think it would. But it"s a no-go with my wife. When I asked, she said breathing in or near hers ears is a turn-off. So, some women just don"t like it.
  4. M

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    Still dropping, she"s gone from 55.3 to 55.1 in the past 5 minutes alone.
  5. M

    Denizens of FOH I call upon thee!

    Yep, quick google search found a few, some of them even reference back to FOHSS hehe VOTE Brooke to the final round!!! - E46Fanatics Need to pump up the effort folks, I just voted a couple of times and saw our girl drop 0.1 while I was doing so.
  6. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Eomer: Both my mother and sister are teachers, I have an Ed degree and knowa pile of teachers (I was almost one myself). Report card time is crazy time. Growing up, it was understood that during report card time, Mom was almost completely inaccessible. She was one of those teachers that...
  7. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Always kiss on the first date, but make it a quick, casual one... on the lips, no more than a second or two. You"ll come across as confident at a moment when a lot of guys are wishy-washy. It expresses your interest in her. The only worse thing you can do on a date besides NOT kissing her...
  8. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    She already has a kid, so it makes it more difficult in the getting-to-know-you phase, but if you have potential long-term prospects for this woman, her daughter is (probably and hopefully) the most important part of her life. Unless you plan on never having kids of your own, you"ll have to...
  9. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Most times I have a shower, but especially after doing any sweat-inducing activity, clumps of ass-lint inevitably fall to the shower floor. Did I mention I don"t like ass hair?
  10. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Heh that"s pretty much exactly what got me started with the ballsack shaving. One day I noticed I was growing hair up the damn shaft, wtf is that shit. From shaving that, it was a natural progression to shaving de nuts. Next question: Anyone tried laser hair removal? No, I don"t mean from the...
  11. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    I use a razor, dry. I know that sounds ouch, but I"ve found the key to be pulling the skin so there"s no wrinkles, then shaving the flattened skin area. I found using water or any type of lubricant makes it too hard to get a grip on the skin. As long as you use a good, sharp razor and take your...
  12. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Exactly. Just think of how you feel when you pull some chick"s pants off to find a megabush. It"s only fair to keep yourself trimmed too. A related question: I just keep my pube area trimmed, but I shave my balls. It"s been universally loved by every woman I"ve had sex with since I started...
  13. M

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    Send her a short "Merry Xmas" email or text over the holidays. Don"t try and start a big conversation or anything, just let her know she"s still on your mind. A holiday greeting is nice and harmless... initiating larger contact might come off as desperate. As you discussed, give her a call after...
  14. M

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Ideally, yes... they"re done separately. But in reality, at least in my experience, you never have a 100% complete and perfect design plan coming out of the design stages, even though both the design and development teams may have signed off on it. When you get into development, things...
  15. M

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Lots of different things Curt could have meant with that comment, but my take... as a developer, one of the single biggest wastes of my time (and thus by extension, my company"s time and money), is having a designer/user/manager type on a project who has little-to-no knowledge of the technical...