Recent content by Nate

  1. N

    Investing General Discussion

    Why not just buy btc?
  2. N

    2020 GOTY

    Hades for me. Very impressive a small studio like that is even in the same discussion as GoT and CP:2077. They’ve made a few other excellent games, here’s hoping their success will bankroll a true triple A title.
  3. N

    Riot Games MMO

    Ok boomer
  4. N

    Riot Games MMO

    Riot has one of the most impressive catalogs of any developer at the moment. LoL, Valorant, TFT, LoR are basically best in class for their genres, are legit free to play, and are printing money. If you’re an MMO fan and you aren’t excited about this game you’re out of touch with the times.
  5. N

    Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

    It doesn’t matter. Anyone who says otherwise is bad at the game. The game is completely trivial, any encounter you can theory craft where it might come into play you can theory craft another strategy that avoids the base issue.
  6. N

    Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

    Damn. Dude was a real character. I haven’t played with him since selo launch but he really made me laugh during my time in AoS. Rip man.
  7. N

    Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

    You’re suggesting they take content out in Kunark era TLPs? What else is there to do in kunark besides epics?
  8. N

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    Double post.
  9. N

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    The sword is insane once you unlock the true form and upgrade it. Pair it with the trinket that gives you 1% dodge chance for beating encounters quickly and clear shit as fast as you can with dash attack. By the end you’ll be at 30%+ dodge, the sword is hitting for 400-500 per swing. The boons...
  10. N

    Hades (Supergiant Games)

    If you can’t beat it, you aren’t using the dash attack enough. I beat it every play through at this point, have beat it with every weapon, pretty much exclusively use the dash attack.
  11. N

    On becoming an electrician

    My little brother tried college for a few years, it didn’t really work out for him (he was in the engineering program and just wasn’t mature enough to handle the workload at 18-21). He dropped out at 22 and joined the electricians guild as an apprentice. He loves it. You get paid during the...
  12. N

    Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

    this is correct. It is for sure much, much faster than afk’ing in the tunnel and waiting for him to pop. Even the patch notes Bobby referenced say the spawn chance was increased for his placeholders, which are the dogs.
  13. N

    Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

    In my experience, clearing all the dogs and whatever else spawns on that side of the river makes him spawn much faster. With a bard, wiz, ench, cleric you can keep the whole area clean and I’d say we got one every 2 hours or so. I helped do probably 10-15 AJs over the course of a couple days on...
  14. N

    World of Warcraft: Classic

    The “I hate it but I do it” mantra seems to be shared by everyone still playing WoW classic.
  15. N

    VALORANT - Riot Games

    Or after 20 years of dealing with cheating in competitive FPS games, they’re willing to accept this for a real cheat free experience? Root kit me all day, the cheating in valorant is basically non existent compared to CS:GO and other competitive FPS games.