Recent content by Pharazon_foh

  1. P

    Girls who broke your heart thread

    ^^^ I was wondering this same thing. Or conversely, maybe she wanted things to move faster with you and in some crazy insane way thought this might cause you to step up to the plate more quickly, whether it was her ex-bf or not. I could see a drunk, immature bitch reasoning something like...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Holly Windstalker. Remember it. Don"t touch the bears.
  3. P

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    All bugs and incompleteness aside, I agree War has actually been a shitload of fun lately when RvR gets cooking. I was bored and thinking of canceling it a few weeks ago, but it seems like there"s been some resurgence of interest lately which has given a decent enough population for fun to be...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    I love this idea too. The main frustration from something like this for me would be wanting to finish that quest so that you could make room in your quest log to pick up someting else. Managing the number of quests you have, having to decide which to delete here and there to make room and...
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    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    Something else that lead to the heroic feeling you got in EQ that we won"t see again prolly: for the first 4-5 expansions all the bosses you killed were uninstanced. When you killed Trakanon, you knew you were the only ones on the server that would be doing so til it respawned again. The rest of...
  6. P

    Green Monster Games - Curt Schilling

    It is pretty damn funny that EQ still has the best chat AND LFG system. Two of the most important features of an MMO and they haven"t improved in 6-8 years? They don"t even need to be improved from EQ, just copied, yet nobody does this. For me.. 1) Cool, varied dungeons with interesting...