Recent content by Rodd

  1. R

    EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)

    Most interested in what NPCs of a similar level "NPCs of a similar level " will really mean come launch. I could see in PoP that they try and keep each Phase dropping the same loot without letting Quarm loot be dropped by anyone else. This means they would need to keep it at 2-3 levels max.
  2. R

    Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

    The graphics and animations aren't too bad, obviously a big step up if you're still playing EQ1.
  3. R

    Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

    I'm used to Rogues or Rangers as MA. Wizards might be a tough choice if they're mana dumping and then "medding".